(5 years and 3934 days ago)
"Baby, who is it?" (5 years and 3935 days ago)
Great idea! But the reflection in the door is wrong. It should reflect only a little of his right face and not both parts.
as scooby doo would say.. RUT ROH!!!.. great humor on this one .. GOOD LUCK
Akassa, you are right
Very good idea! But I ditto Akassa because of the reflection.
nice idea Good luck!
good luck and welcome back!
hahah.very funny.
Nice idea looks a bit distorted tho.
Very funny idea, especially with Lodd's expression! . Perhaps I'd lower Lodd a bit so he looks more in the other person's eyes. And about the reflection, what you cà n do is just remove the whole glass, but that's up to you. The man's mask looks pretty good! Good luck!
Perspective, reflections and lighting need work - strange idea...but v colourful!
Hahaha - GL.
great idea, the scale of the house seems small to me
Why is he getting flowers
HAHAHAH!! OMG!! I cant stop laughing!!
Just lol!
good job and good luck
im sorry but i have to laugh hehehe
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3934 days ago)
Thats funny ! and a very good chop good luck!
Hahaha - lucky you didnt decide to keep the sneakers!! GL.
, cool
lol, imagines having sore feet =o very creative, good luck =)
Nice idea, i like it, good luck snakzor lodd!
nice idea!
can't really top of animmax said.. hehehe
LOL!! Nice idea
lol nice thinking there
good play on words
*grabs her shoe*....LoL!!
Freaky idea, would be nice if you could fix the body's angle a bit. Right now the part where the worm's body goes up still looks too much from aside. Maybe if you can make the smaller bodyparts a bit rounder (mmnot easy to explain, but I mean that you see it more from front perspective. A bit like the last half from this image http://www.flickr.com/photos/theju/404228890/sizes/o/), it'll fit better with Lodd's body. Good luck!
good job and good luck
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks To vierdrie for the guitar image.
Thanks To barunpatro for the backgound horizon image.
(5 years and 3935 days ago)
the guitar at the bottom should be behind his foot, nice idea, good luck and welcome back =)
Nice idea! Great effects too.
we miss Lodd please blend more the guitar and Good luck!
I like the planet behind him. Good luck
yeaah lodd is superstar.
You may consider the size of the guitar, otherwise it look pretty great!
Well done.
Haha, reminds me of the clip Can you Feel It from the Jacksone Five . Tapiona has a good point about the guitar, unless you may want to give it an even more mystical feeling and just let the guitar floating in front of Lodd. The guitar size is ok, just add "My First Guitar" on it
(kiiiiddding, Lodd
). Btw maaaybe you can try to put a gradient in the right lower corner for the planet, so it gets more depth (for example very dark in the corner and then fade to 0%, with blending overlay or experiment with it). Good luck!
the perspective on guitar is a bit ackward. I agree with tapiona.
I agree with the above comments. I'd also take out the blue flashes - they're kinda weird!
This really does remind me of a tutorial I have seen.. GL..
He needs a space suit
The next American Idol, lol!!!
good job and good luck
almost famous yes?
very nice, I like it
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3932 days ago)
nice work .. good luck..
Its a cool idea, I think you should fix the text tho, with remove it or try and change the style to its got better edges and more 'poster like'
very interesting idea and funny good luck!
ooo, nice hair styles =) good jog , good luck
it's ok, but the text in the upper right say toll ?? GL anyway!
thx (:
yea i 4got the "Lodd" at 1st time..
n i fixed it a lil ,
What is the black on the legs?? GL.
"THE" ohh it covered .lol.
love the hairdo's ;p
I want one...I need someone who cleans my room, my wc and my garage
yep yea eheee...nice one
Howdie stranger!
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hehehhehehehehe.. I get it I get it..took me a second.. it was like.. WTF??? and then I saw it LOLOLOLOL.. HIGH HIGH HIGH marks for humor .. nice chop as well.. good LUCK
tnks..I shot the pics with airplane and fires a year ago . Painted the "gun" and liquify the smile
the gun is actually a SlingShot... which is what makes this picture so funny... hehehe.. love the Smirk
Great idea!Maybe you could work on the flame though,fix that and you'll have a great image!
very nice idea good luck!
Ha - quite funny, no humour bar?? Although not quite possible, still a nice simple chop. Well Done. Don't forget to list your source or add your original images to the SBS guide.. GL.
love the little change youve made to lodds mouth :L
O think in this case, he would be watching the plane go down, good idea, good luck =)
Fits really well, nice idea.
Funny one
hhehehe bart simpson style
tnks all of you. I have on my desktop the originals pics but i dont know how to upload.(any help)?
lol @ slingshot...
funny idea 
Not really related to the lodd, but its awesome anyway
HAHAHAH! Wheres the humor bar?!?!?! LoL!!
To upload your original - you have to make a SBS. Go to my stuff, then my contests and add a SBS. You can upload the original there.. GL
very nice . like the tone
did the airplane hit his head?
Im glad he is a calm man in these situations lol
Howdie stranger!
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