I'm afraid something has gone terribly wrong lately... All source. (5 years and 3931 days ago)
you'll kill him or what? xd nice
Now where did you get a target from the source.. hmmmmmm?.. j/k good luck! hehehehehe (knew you were a secret op LOL)
Nice work, I think it would look cool if you made the scope area like 'zoomed-in' But its cool anyway
cool idea nice mood good luck!
Aim and fire !!!!!
bye bye Lodd, lol, nice idea, good luck
good job nice idea and good luck
lol, good thinking ;p
good idea
he..hey..this is cool . GL (:
lol GL
haha, I love the idea
Great idea, but i'd went for "BOOM HEADSHOT"
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Be aware Lodd, eat healthy food and exercise or else ...... Just couldn't resist chopping him, not offence intended buddy. Please view in High Resolution before voting. (5 years and 3934 days ago)
and again very good minimalism! good luck!
Damn lodd your to fat! cool idea and good luck!
I still think you should make him bald too.. Just on top.. Add to the effect of middle age! Hahaha. GL
You made me laugh again animmax. Thanks for the comment.
i love this!
wheres his treadmill? nice idea, good luck =)
He has gone into the fattie world
Nice work and idea
ook this is the real one :p
Good case of dunlap disease.
The main idea was that Lodd would like it, so I am pleased that it made him laugh. Now make sure that you take note of the image's message.
hey chubby !!!
lol, I love using photoshop to make people fat, I do it to my friends all the time...
Mwa ha ha ha ha haaaa!!!!!!
good job and good luck
lmao, brilliant !
i used smoke brushes, and presets brushes for flames. previously i used clone stamp for head disapear. (5 years and 3932 days ago)
Lose the type...
Gotta agree with CMYK, the type does not fit. you did a pretty good job on the burning tho, nice entry
Totally agree about the text. For the rest well done. Good luck!
hahaha very cool
Maybe make the flames a bit bigger!! Some discolouration on the shirt maybe?? GL. Ditto on the text too..
remove the words? good luck
He's gone now, oh noes. You should make his clothes fall... a little to give a better sensation.
?Nice image, but don't think you need the text.
please work on that fire but still a nice idea good luck!
oh its very sad to see. Gud luck!
hehe funny ;p
Yes take off the text so i can vote
ahh, look what you did to lodd, haha =)
amaybe change the backgorund olso
funny idea
i copy & transform, them i did shadow also with distort then i reduce the opacity (5 years and 3934 days ago)
nice idea good luck!
Well at least we know the real reason for melting ice... Someones standing on them.. Anyway, maybe work on your starfield a bit, they all seem the same intensity with no real depth.. GL.
the stars should be different levels of color, giving them depth, good luck and nice idea =)
Good luck.
I'm on top of the wooooorrrrrllllllddddd!
LoL!!! Funny! Good luck!
title should be "on top of the world"
nice, but not realistic.
(5 years and 3933 days ago)
Dont move Lodd, lol, great idea, good luck =)
Hahaha - who was that again? I dont remember!! Dont forget to list your sources for the apple and the arrow.. GL.
LOL...but flip the apple...the highlight should be on the other side. Good luck.
Wouldn't he be staring at the arrow? gl!
Poor Guy...Let's hope they get the apple...Good Luck
William Tell is Lodd's Father.. who knew???.. hehehe
I thought it was William Tell, but didnt feel like opening my mouth to change feet if I was wrong!! Hahaha..
right on the apple i hope good luck!
poor lodd
hehe I like it
LoL!! Im gonna keep my thoughts to myself on this one, hahaha!! Nice work and good luck author!
very good idea
ahhah LOL animmax
did it hit the apple lol
you'll kill him or what? xd nice
Now where did you get a target from the source.. hmmmmmm?.. j/k good luck!

(knew you were a secret op LOL)
Nice work, I think it would look cool if you made the scope area like 'zoomed-in' But its cool anyway
cool idea nice mood good luck!
Aim and fire !!!!!
bye bye Lodd, lol, nice idea, good luck
good job nice idea and good luck
lol, good thinking ;p
good idea
he..hey..this is cool . GL (:
haha, I love the idea
Great idea, but i'd went for "BOOM HEADSHOT"
Howdie stranger!
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