(5 years and 3890 days ago)
very interesting idea and cool effect good luck!
my pictures with source
sbs all done (5 years and 3892 days ago)
very interesting idea and cool effect good luck!
nice colors
good luck..
hi res is very cool! i'm stuck in to door's (i hope, it is door) pattern...
good luck
well fille, if you must know, if you go into the SBS you will see that is the Marquee for an old peaches store which used to sell records/vinyls in peach crates, and you will be happy to know it has now been converted into a hustler store LOL
I like that you took pictures of yourself for certain things you needed, you obviously planned ahead, nice work
ohhh... ok.. i'm stuck in to store's (i hope, it is door) pattern... eerm...
Interesting...Good luck!
thanks everyone .. SWAK
good job and good luck
very creative work. goodluck.
Oh God THIS IS SURR! Good job and good luck!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Tool:pen tool
brush tool
some masking
burn too
Sbs soon!!!
no external source. (5 years and 3892 days ago)
good luck
Interesting idea - but your shadows need to meet up with your feet!! GL.
I was gonna say the same as animmax, the shadows need to meet with the feet, nice idea tho.
very simple, can improve
Try having the shadows meet the feet, to do so copy and paste different parts (One foot at a time) Also maybe try smudging the edges or blurring them
Shadows are off a little
Bit more attention to masking! The body parts don't seem to nicely blend into each other, they're too sharp and in some places you can see the white backround through them! And more work on the shadow as already suggested! Good luck!
good job and good luck
nice idea, just needs a bit more work on the blending
Nice work but the shadows should be called to order and don't move without dummy GL!
Howdie stranger!
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very nice
i agreed with missy but still a great idea good luck!
Missy is right there is some hay missing, nice picture though
hehe. I was gonna do something like this, guess I dont have to now
good luck
good job and good luck
Very nice image but it looks like these guys have swallowed a stick and stood still not to disturb it... 8) kidding GL
Howdie stranger!
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