I always felt sorry for Kong ... hope you like it!
My Thnx to Sxc.hu for the images (5 years and 3915 days ago)
- 1: fokker plane
- 2: old new york
- 3: Gorilla
I always felt sorry for Kong ... hope you like it!
My Thnx to Sxc.hu for the images (5 years and 3915 days ago)
(5 years and 3915 days ago)
the milk splash at the top is a bit blurred.. u could work on it.. very nice concept.. gl
Nice work, it is a bit blurry tho.
Awesome. You might try using the "extract" filter on the hair for a cleaner look.
minimalist ,good luck
i like this
weird but awsome goodluck.
veeery original!! high marks
concept is grt .........................but only problem......... is with her hair........if u can smoothen thm....will b grt..gl
cool, nice idea
there goes my idea... Good job
thank you all for ur comment, thats very useful for me....
Very nice!
got milk---
Howdie stranger!
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"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes ?til I touch the sky" (5 years and 3913 days ago)
Will wait for SBS...
nice photoshop art... good luck
cool! gl
Yikes... it's very good .. but maybe a little pull back on the brush work... it's a wonderful effect.. but the subject is a bit buried.. but that could be me.. GOOD LUCK. .the color choice are very nice
workin on sbs cmyk. Please view in hi res because it really makes a difference
I'm not impressed... sorry! Just some brushes, warp and a lensflare? That don't impress me much...
can we have the links for the brushes? I like this kind of image even though some would say it doesnt include much talent just to put brushes together. still looks nice and isnt that what most people jusdge images by? good luck
I have to agree with Rob...
as far as im concerned, you still need talent to use brushes... i have trouble with them and avoid at all costs lol. I think the image is very nice and you can tell it did in fact take you some time. Goodluck author
I think this is really good, great effect.
Hi robvdn, There is no problem using brushes, it is just like tools in photoshop, how interestingly and cleverly you are using it, that is more important. If you are totally depending on brushes and filters the aesthetic value of the design will lose. But here author used his imagination and used the brushes. I am not seeing any problem in that.
I like the way it looks very musical. Lots of movement from an otherwise static image. Good job!
Very pretty not sure if the lens flare works tho Good Luck
A bit busy, but I like it.
I find this a little too busy design wise, image on top of image, on top of image. Maybe a bit over worked.
very nice
Beautiful brush work...makes a grat poster GL
very interesting. Good luck
You did a link to your DA account... now your image is going to be removed... unless you removed that from your comment...
annabat can you remove your comment too?
where is she??
I really, really liked this image.. shame it didn't make it nearer to the top.. ahh well better luck next time, but this is definatley the best on in this competition in my opinion.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3913 days ago)
Nice image, but please level the horizon...I'm getting seasick!
sea... sawww... sea.... saw.. it is incredible.. but it does make you tilt.. sorta like being spun around very fast and having to run all of a sudden.. solid work
It is going to hurt when she lands on the sharp rocks! Good luck
good work
I leveled the horizon, I hadn't even noticed that in the source
Make her look more watery and it will be much better
Very nice. I noticed just a tiny tiny bit of white around her hand. Other than that, it's perfect as is.
The light source on the rocks is from the left, but the main area is effective enough that it's not real noticeable.
I lile the photoshop work but the composition is a little weak. Maybe would work better in a horizontal composition with less negative space and more air in front of the figure. IMHO.
Love the mood. Very good. Good luck
its a dolphin... its a walrus... its... a girl?? i like it
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3911 days ago)
Author, there are thousands of usable bird pics out there.
No Warning???.. ah geez that sucks green monkey. woo hoos.. (extra high vote to help compensate for that) smooches author(affectionately, no tongue giggle snort, hope that makes up for the frustration)
EDIT: I actually do have insomnia.. only average about 3 hours of true sleep a day, causes LOTS of problems.. sigh.. but I avoid the drugs because the side effects.. hehe
not the one i wanted CMYK, i just spent the last hour looking at soooo many and while i did download about 20 lol they didnt fit the image I think it was just hard to look at it and like it after i was sooo proud of the previous version... would have been nice though if i got some warning
it was doing really well in this contest.
thanks Golem knew you would be around somewhere lol umm by the way......... DO YOU SLEEP MAN!!!! lol
Still came out nicely Author I think we all have had at least one image pulled...I actually like this version better
Good Luck
In the bottom, there is a "n" shaped gap......and the rose...both are looking odd, otherwise a good job
good job beautiful image and dont goes up to every comment to modify the main thing is how u like it
Howdie stranger!
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nice idea.. some observations 1) the leaves in gorilla's hands (in source img) need to be removed. 2) the aircraft propellers are not rotating!!! 3)both the girl and king kong are at the same distance from camera.. need more highlights on the girl 4) high res will be really appreciated.. nice image tone.. gl
WOW hsbee.. you see A LOT, even without High Res.. all I see is an ape going after the girl's hoo haa... but that's just me
(author, might want to think about the angle of intersection between the two subjects.. a bit unsettling, though it will be tough because the angle of the gorilla's eyes is right on the mark) nice idea, you just picked a very difficult subject to work with..kudos on that... good luck
MUCH BETTER.. good job
totally overboard on the noise and blur, its alright cause you can still see what it is, but I would like it in better detail
Author, you captured the mood of the film nicely, but the background should be a bit darker to pop the front edge of the girl just a bit...
EDIT: This is a different image now...it has more problems than the first one! The ape is way too indistinct and the girl has a weird hard edge...first pic was better.
If you can remove the tiny visible hard edges around the girl, would look better. Good luck!
very original and nice,good luck
I always felt sorry for him, too. Great idea and well executed. I think your color choice was spot on.
Great idea, and some very useful comments above. A few adjustments and you have a great pic.
Looks good now!
good one
Gotta love Kong, but I think his face should have been sharper while everything else was blurred
Looks way better now indeed! Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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