Thanks to eirian-stock
Thanks to kelly63
http://kelly63.deviantart.com/art/Early-Morning-Stock-102100060 (5 years and 3933 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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"What happened to my buddy?" O.o
(no outside source used)
Edited: 2 time (5 years and 3933 days ago)
perhaps I know who have done this.....u always do awesome work.....
colors, expression an all nice, but size of eyes are not ok(perspective)
That's seriously thinking outside the box. This is a cool peice. Good Work. Good Luck.
This has a great cartoony feel to it, and disappointing lighting issues for such fine work...
on highres the single boards of the bord dont fit well, and it needs some finework in details. but i LOVE this picture! great idea author!
Really love the work on the eyes.. I'm not sure about the GIANT nail.. it took me a few minutes to realize what if was.. not that detracts from the piece in anyway... the face is SO expressive.. good luck on this.. it's a lot of fun
EDIT: NOW IT LOOKS LIKE A NAIL.. I didn't know how to tell you but in the original submission it looked like a giant deformed olive.. giggle snort..you should heard me trying to figure it out, I scared my cat..LOL much better now) (I make a lot of weird noises when I'm confused)
cute. i like the way you did the background. thats cool.
very creative
haha cool
LOL. Nice.
nice job on the expression and the large nail -- mouth and tongue a bit blurry
lol thats funny/cool good luck
This is so much fun. I like the subtlety of strokes and lighting on the background. It almost looks like two light sources going on here; the drop shadow behind the board and left eye looks like light from above and to the left, the tongue, and the right eye look like light from above and to the right. The wood grain on the table and the board is great. Nice work! Good luck.
LOL very funny
Okay, changed lots of things!!
-Changed size and shape of nail
-Shadows on eyes and wood adjusted
-Added eyebrows
-Sharpened mouth and tongue
Dramatic . Funny outcome, cant see well, but you might want to use the side of the wood for inside the mouth too (so that the mouth looks less flat). The living wood's shadow is made with some greys? I'd use a blending mode, so you're still able to see the wood structure from the floor under. Good luck!
EDIT: shadow on the floor looks a lot better!
Changed blending of shadow underneath the piece of wood (thanks for all the suggestions )
Congratulations for 2nd
very cute, congratulations
Howdie stranger!
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I've concentrated mainly on shadows and lights by working with godge and burn tool. used also the perspective option to adjust the lake's photo. Enjoy!
credits and thanks:
http://little-stock.deviantart.com (5 years and 3933 days ago)
amazing job, good luck
very very nice job you did really splended with the pictures. My suggestion would be that you tone down the reflection quite a bit. Gl
the mood of this graphic is awesome. Very well done. And good luck.
I like your source use, but a little close to the water. Might want to try a displacement map for the reflection because its a little too perfect for rippled water. That being said, I like your efforts.
Great job on the shading!
This is simply elegant. Recommend pulling the reflection a little closer to the waters edge and adding a ripple or displacement (as pingenvy said)
I just love the colors on this one. Great job!
sweet and nice.. the title really doesn't do it justice.. hehehe. but that's just me.. other than that.. KUDOS author
cool blending
Simply Gorgeous. I love it!
lighiting is very nice -- the reflection is very well done
I'm in love with this one one thing, the reflection of the grass looks too dark that i didn't know it was a reflection at 1st. very very good job, good luck
Really Good job with nice composition, color, lighting & reflection...........Good Luck Author.
impressive work lovely looking scene top job
amazingly beautiful
Very nice mood Good lightning
The bench wouldn't have a reflection at that distance from the water. If you think you need to keep it, straighten it out...
Nice result, good use of colors. I agree with CMYK about the reflection from the bench in the water though. Good luck!
very nice image, like the tone
beautiful work!!!
very nice!
Nice one.
Great mood
Congratulations for 3rd
very beautiful, congratulations
Howdie stranger!
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All wood... i mean.. all source :) (5 years and 3932 days ago)
love this you did a wonderful job!!
Would be better to crop out a lot of the "box" part of the image for better composition and to focus more on the figure. The green thing adds a nice color accent, but that's about all...
(PS: It's a sphere).
great job
That's gotta be GROVER.. has to be Grover.. this is so cool. and whats the Green Snake thingy .. is it suppose to be a snaike or a thread.. Oh I don't care.. it's all pretty cool.. I like it... and I'm sure it's Grover.. only made of wood
Really good work. Loose the tiny room it's in and it'd be better (but not much) This is really cool
Very creative
Super Entry..........Grand job Author........Good Luck.
Great scene lovely creativity work would have to agree that cropping the box would achieve better composition
Quite nice! Good job, author! Excellent SBS
everything is nicely done,except the green rope.
This is a really nice pic, great work.
very pretty
great job author
you did very well
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
Brush for the flock of birds.
Thank you!
Amended 26/06/09 (See comments)
(5 years and 3933 days ago)
This could be great if pseudo vegetation & obvious rendered clouds were improved...love the color.
Thank you CMYK46. I will try to correct it...if I have the time. lol..
The wall, color scheme, the kid all good(height of the kid.........from ground.......little problem is there), cloud and the plant need more improvement.
Agree with CMYK about the clouds. First think I noticed. They kind of detract from an otherwise excellent peice. Also, you might try staggering the fence pickets so the wood grain doesn't line up to give it some randomness.
Beautiful, I enjoy the dreamy and nostalgic feeling here
I KNOW RENDERED CLOUDS are a no no, but these actually work in the NON PS world.. when printed they give off a great storm feel, though in PS contests it's better to create/find your own... or use them as a base for another effect.. I really love the work on this.. good luck
Nice job i like, Though I would consider changing the fence just a little so that the white speck and wood grain aren't on the same line.
I like this composition and mood a lot. You may want to clone out some of the knots & such in the wood so it doesn't look as cloned(ironically).
Everything is nice, except for the clouds. I'd use a source image, or paint them with a brush. But that's just my opinion. Other than that, I really like it.
I'm going to refrain from commenting on the clouds, because you've already been bombarded with comments. Lol. Very pretty. The colors suit it. Good luck.
fence is well made and the blending of the images is very nice --(fence maybe a bit repetitive)
Very nice. I'm glad you nestled the bottom of the fence into the grass. I'm thinking it could be a little better without the rendered cloud treatment - maybe make use of a cloud brush , add some variety to the boards of the fence to avoid the repetitive 'stamp' look. I love the colors and the mood. Nice work. Good luck!
Nice work, but as Alan said the fence is a bit too repetitive. If you could fix that (maybe with clone and healing tool?), would be great. Good luck!
hmmm....I have made some changes. ...with the cloud and the fence. lol...but I was told (as a result of my carelessness) the girl image can not be used. If I am a faster worker I would have source for another image. As it is, I have decided to just post the image without the girl. lol..Thank you all for your comments. Very much appreciated.
looks great after removing the render clouds
thank you nishagandhi. lol...I could have make a better selection of the section of the clouds but .... I guess my eyes' begining to hurt looking at the same picture over and over again.
the clouds does look better too bad about the girl
you did very well
Howdie stranger!
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very nice usage of sopurce and good selection of image. want to see high res image
Really nice. Almost a Thomas Kincade look. Shadow work is outstanding.
Good blend and mood!
great mood
very good masking, i like the mood, good job
very hug myself feel.. good luck author.. great use of source
Excellent image....great colors, beautiful lighting! Maybe you want to mask the fir tree just a touch better, I can still see in high resolution some white/yellow lines around the branches! Best of luck!
wow wonderful photo...intense...
real nice effect
Awesome Entry.......... Nice lighting........ Great Mood............ Good Luck Author.
Really well made, excellent blending.
Thanks to all for comments. Nellista thanks for pointing out masking issue. fixed it
Wow...what an amazing piece...you are really good.
Very atmospheric piece of work very skillfully done!
Wow...what an amazing piece...you are really good.
good job authur
neat picture
BEAUTIFUL! Mood is amazing!
Very good.... good luck
Nice atmosphere.
Very nice mood. I love it!
Beautiful. Nice job!
i love this one as well!! good luck
wow......gr8 job......Just love the mood of the image....gr8 source selection.
Nice mood. The only possible problem is maybe that in the original girl photo her feet are hidden behind the seat of the bench (I guess because the seat is a bit lower in the middle), while in this image you can almost look upon the seat of the bench. Because of that, the feet look a bit chopped off, especially her left foot. In case you'd like to fix it (maybe give some elegant ballerina shoes?), would be great. Good luck!
Indeed romantic.Very good image.

Well done and well-titled! Very nice effects...
Super romantic, beautiful and smooth image! High, high vote! GL
Congrats, beautiful work
Congratulations for 1st
great mood, congratulations
Congrats! Beautiful image
Congrats for 1st
Howdie stranger!
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