Hello Dear
How are you, My name is Fatima i saw your profile today and became interested in you,i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address
(mbayefatima76@yahoo.co.uk) I believe we can move from here! Am waiting for your mail to my email address above because i have alot to tell you, Lot´s of love,
email me on my mail box not in site
have a great day and God bless you.
miss Fatima ( 5 years and 3204 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Pretty funny, but I kinda gree with CMYK. If you can make some parts a bit overwarped (so a bit sharper), would be nice too. If you add some highlights here and there you may define the shapes of the dragon more (ie for the front paws and legs). Good luck!
author says:
thank you buddys for attention! this is necessary for beginners to know, what here more to do, if to want more than this. but for me is this picture already exactly it should be.
verrry verry good work it looks like u spend aa whole day on this itts aa brilliaant piece of art althougght the wingss looks small but never less the image is beautiful
KatGV the first time this was posted there were comments/questions on what should be seen through the holes, and I made an example image to show that what is being seen is correct. I will provide, as I did last time, a link to it here http://www.rhoads-nicora.com/images/example.jpg
I like this! Just two things: There should be some collar from your source pic to our left of his head instead of a shadow that doesn't go with the light source, and it would be way better if the cigar were lit and had smoke rising from it.
Edit: On second look, a darker shadow on his forehead would match the deep shadow below, IMHO. I'd love to see this image improve!
Nice idea, but really not a lot of work is it? I agree with CMYK on the blending head vs the body, it could be better. Use a brush to repair the hair. Put in an interesting background...
This could be a great image but what you posted now looks like the first step to it.
Hey, YOU GOT your HEMMINGWAY in my REMBRANDT (you got your chocolate in my peanut butter).. the Head to hand proportion is just an itty bitty teenie weenie bit off.. but barelly noticeable.. Infact I didn't notice it at all (I was too busy looking at the hair line, amazing).. My brother agreed that the head is a tad small, but first said cool Picture.. so there you go
Just for fun, my Aunt Myrtle. This is gorgeous! One small quibble...the hair. Try taking the natural brush 12 set at 50% and go around hair and beard and just flick it inward, not much, just a little, to break up the uniformity. Try it and if you don't like it, you've only lost 5 minutes. This is a fine entry.
the first that went through my mind when i saw the pic was that i looks like davinci. so i made it. filters, image adjusting and that's it. very simple. hope u like it. a bit dark though, i think i'll change that. anyway, give me your suggestions plz. (5 years and 3928 days ago)
I'm afraid to give you any suggestions that would send you into a new direction that you may never recover from.. the piece is at stability now.. if it where to be framed you would have what giallo suggested.. mainly ARE YOU HAPPY with it.. it's all that matters in the end
Looks familiar...
Good to see this one back again
. Good luck!
Haha! Love it! funny and creative idea! Well done!
Excellent work
very creepy but yet nice. and I THINK U MEANT BALD. BUT I GOT U.. GOOD JOB
this is still a killer entry
Excellent image, great step by step top job!
Good to see this great entry again.
nice to see this doggy again

Recovered........... What an idea? Very Very good job......Good Luck.
Brilliant. Are the boots blurry on purpose?
nice work
nicely done..
looks like pig skin...
very nice
haha classy!!
that is one good entry!!!
Congrats Mymy, he's so ugly... he's cute
Congratulations for 1st
fantastic, well deserved winning
congrats again
congrats Mymy!!!
Congratulations for 1st
Howdie stranger!
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