(5 years and 3913 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
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Tanks kdelacruz,Gabriel Pevide (5 years and 3915 days ago)
wow very cool!
good idea and a nice job on this one
this great!!! I love it!
very well done.. good luck
Oh damn awesome!!!
dont like coca cola, dont like adverts - any way good chop
I looked at this image so many times and I couldnt come up with anything good. What you did is excellent. WOW.
Very cool & well constructed!. My good friend drives a coke truck (only with 18 wheels). He would really appreciate this one.
oooo....didn't even think about the
While yes its well done and a nice image.. No one concerned about trademark infringement? You know - the right to use anothers logo without permission?? Regardless of the source.. Very sorry author - nice work too.
very nice work
but isn't the logo copyright?
Really great job
nice work! love the billboard, too.
coke is such a huge brand the red just stands out anywhere.
Because the logo is simply "Coca-Cola". There is no proof as to who originally wrote it, but master Penman Louis Madarasz (my compatriot) was said to have told one of his students that the work was his. When the work was created, Madarasz had a mail-order business and could easily have done it, and the writing style is similar to his. In the book "An Elegant Hand" by William E Henning, it states that Frank Mason Robinson, who was the bookkeeper of the firm originated the name Coca-Cola and specified that it be written in Spencerian script. In a 1914 court case, Robinson testified that he was "practically the originator" and that "some engraver here by the name of Frank Ridge was brought into it". Thus the logo itself has no currently COPYRIGHTABLE authorship and its exact creator is unknown.
love the paint job!!
Very cute
I think the author is correct. This may further clarify the point.>>>http://books.google.com/books?id=fRY4QBpLFGQC&pg=PT380&lpg=PT380&dq=is+the+coca-cola+logo+public+domain%3F&source=bl&ots=o8T8MWXrrV&sig=6p-I1-04tqdJpM6aiegSNHZa0b0&hl=en&ei=dalWSoR8h54w4v65nQg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7 (page 374)
Author: I am no expert on the matter and I was not referring to copyright at all. I was asking about the potential trademark infringement. The second point in Pinenvys link.. If you copy all or part of an existing trademark in a products name or packaging. [Also from Wikipedia: Trademark: A trademark is a type of intellectual property, and typically a name, word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, image, or a combination of these elements. The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent unauthorized use of that trademark.
I dont have a clue if its allowable or not - my guess is that contest mod has checked it out or at least discussed the matter with the moderator team. The entry is still here - so I take that as their decision.. GL.
This work contains material which may be subject to trademark laws in one or more jurisdictions. Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe the rights to this trademark. See our general disclaimer. The use of this trademark does not indicate endorsement of the holder by Wikimedia Commons or the Wikimedia Foundation, nor vice versa. The name coca cola always has and always will be copy writed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fi
I apologise to everybody because of my English knowledge.I would know it on my mother tongue only this in right to explain.
For me the PS game entertainment. Would not be needed this break.We are friends not enemies.Draw ,create, playing, criticize, building .To moderate the moderator.I do not vend hotchpotch coke under a name .
I don't think so that this would cause a bigger joy for the coke.
With a philanthropic greeting.
As I said previously - I like the work.. I would almost get all the permissions from all sources and maybe send it to Coke, see what they think? They might even use it in an add?
Congrats! Well done!
Congratulations for 2nd, really great pic.
Thank you very much for all
Howdie stranger!
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This truck was made with the lower half of the source truck bed and background plus one of my own photos. No other sources. (5 years and 3917 days ago)
intellegent work.......GL
looks really good, just clean up the bottom left part of the vehicle. i see some artifacts
Good eye, elficho! They're gone now.
OH MY.. vroom vroom vroom.. fun fuN fUN FUN.... zooooooooooooom
I like this but I think the shadow looks kinda funny. Not sure why. Also, a sweet ride like that would certainly have matching hubcaps.
Chaplain, I studied the shadows some more & I think they were too short for the light source, so I changed them a bit. As for the wheel rims, you just cant see the matching center because the tires are so wide(about 18"), and the center is sunken way in.
Edit: I went back to step 12 & re-worked some things that I wasn't happy with. But I'm done now....really.
super cool
Cool image very nice work!!
very nice work
very nice work
i want one !!! very nice change good luck!
Nice job, but the shadow is too big, look at your source and if you look at the original also wrong direction, look at the walls
Good Luck
Congrats! Well done!
Congratulations for 3rd
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3915 days ago)
nice work. Background is look like a single plane( floor and wall not seperating). otherwise a nice job
gopankarichal in a studio you use a roundwall to avoid the border from floor and wall
nice imagination......
right out of one of those hot rod mags... woo HOO.. zoomer
Good one, nice work
very nice
I like what oyu've done author. May I suggest that you shorten the width of the rear wheel? That is, to be in perspective it would be slightly shorter from front to back than the front one. Cloned as it is, it appears to me to be on a different vertical plane, curving off to the right.
Nice job Author......G/L.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3913 days ago)
well blended!
Love what you've done with the truck!
like the ideea
like the camo
great job on the cammo
really nice image. I like this one alot
Very nicely done!
good work
Good idea, but looks too clean...add some rust & grunge...
Nice blending!
Howdie stranger!
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some strange perspective issues author.. and where is the running water going???.. hehehe.. It's a very pretty image.. but you have to think of the angles or it confuses the eye.. the swing is sitting still yet we can see the bottom when it shoud be in line with the horizon.. stuff like that.. it's a beautiful image.. just got to polish it a bit (such a gorgeous image!!!)
The overall image is magnificent but i i don;t think the colour of the swing matches the rest of the image. Good luck!
Hey guys, thanks for the comments. @Golem, an old rope swing will often hang at this angle when not in use. As for the running water it's an underground spring, afterall this is a magical place.
Very nice work on constructing the car --- over look is very nice as well with nicely blended imges
ohhhh so romantic love it
ohhh and nice work 
Amazng and lovely manipulation! So sweet
Really great idea!
Really nice image with all elements together, but there are two different light sources...maybe darken the right side of car a bit.
great idea, construction, and atmosphere. Might be more efeective without the water IMO.
great mood
nice atmosphere and mood.GL
very romantic
Very nice place for romance......Good job Author.....G/L.
Unmistakable style. Excellence.
Congrats! Well done!
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats, absolutely beautiful
Congrats !
congrats for 1st
fantastic work - on the car, and the hat! blended beautifully!
Howdie stranger!
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