Thanks to thadz for fish reference image
(5 years and 3883 days ago)
first i cloned out the scales and used the smudge tool..and placed the sources i wanted.....have replaced the pot by another one... thanx to rafragoso for the pot...http://www.sxc.hu/photo/387392 (5 years and 3886 days ago)
BHAAA HAA HAA... A WOODEN STOVE?!?!?!?!.. way to think outside the box author.. I would have never thought of that.. GOOD LUCK (though the coffee pot could be a bit larger to match the scale of the whole image but that would make you have to modify the burners as well. good luck
EDIT: Much better pot.. good job author
Very nice idea!The perpective on the stove itslef is very nice, but i'd watch out on the kettle or whatever that is, we shouldn;t be able to see the coffee inside (or whatever it is xD) Good luck!
Edit: Nice one, perpective matches now. Good job and good luck!
Nice idea using the image in this way. I like the concept a lot, but I agree with the other two. I would find a new image for the coffee pot one that is taken more on the side and I would have it so the scale is larger than the one you have used, its just too small
i have replaced the pot by another one..hope its ok now
thanx ponti55
great idea!
Didn't see the first one, but this one looks great!
Edit: On high res, it looks like the bottom outside edges sag down a bit. If they could be warped up slightly so the bottom of the pot has a slight smooth curve, the perspective should be perfect.
nice work author love the outcoming, very creative and outstanding. High vote.
nice job author and good idea also nice blending for the stove .. GL
very believable , good job on this one
amazing final result!! GL
wow! superb entry
good idea and good job
Very nice work
nice idea!! G/L
very good blending, wonderful job, good luck author
Very good
heheheheee i hope you have your fire extinguisher somewhere close...
Thanks to all for the nice comments...LOL Fille
Alot of imagination in here. Looks soooo real :P like a photograph, well done.
The most clean and original image in this contest, IMO. Congratulations.
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old radio (5 years and 3890 days ago)
old School!!!
good blending of the sources -- and the lighting change is nice
Inventive use of images together!
Very nice entry. As Alan said, your blending of source files is top notch. I really can't find anything I'd change with this one. Nice work!
good job on the radio
Excellent entry!! Well done!
hey, check out the perspective, the top of the contraption has sides that don't lead to the same vanishing point, nice entry though, love the shading
thanks all for voting this picture and for your comments
Very nice work!!! GL
i like it! good luck!
Cool, but narumara is correct that the substantially raised top no longer conforms to the original image's vanishing point.
good work
very nice
idea is of course good, but technically is there some problems - in this radio source this big button is not speaker (and this is in your picture too flat anyway)! and engine picture is from backside of radio - so what buttons are in backside these two in top? but other work is good, so idea!
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All source.
Made electricity rods from scale center and lightning from brush style.
(5 years and 3885 days ago)
Simple but well done...good luck.
idea is nice.
awesome job.....turely different work....GL
nice idea!! G/L
I really like this!
Woowww!! Good job!! The simplicity is striking. High marks!!
a cool image it is kinda simple but like i said, its a cool image so who cares about simplicity right?
NIce iea and execution
like the concept
good idea
well done
left side needs more work, but i see you did here punk and idea is really cool!
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(5 years and 3888 days ago)
excellent manimpulation of source.. good luck author
very clever idea, well done
very good idea and very well done
nice work
very nice, clever thinking
Good to see the double choke on the load! Not really image related, but normally a crane hook like that would have a cable on each side, fixed at the top. Clever idea.
Fantastic idea, and well put together! High marks all around!!
very nice
nice work + good coloring....GL
Very nice idea!
Nice thinking outside the box, here. Perhaps if you replace the background with something more fitting to the crane..it'll really complete the nice work you did on this!
Excellent concept and design
Nice thinking top job!
Creative, but I agree with pixelkid that this really needs a background like a cargo dock, for example (and for a different title), to be compelling.
Ah very nice work, you have done really well in this piece.
A background would be nice, but who's complaining....well done piece.
very good
Good idea that needs a good background...
good concept!
now you can build your home for next
Howdie stranger!
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Awesome work!! Good job!!
very nice use of source.. GOOD LUCK
very creative.
nice idea!! G/L
this image rocks!
This is very nice creative idea
messy zodiac

Howdie stranger!
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