ponti55: How did you get close enough to a Hornet's nest to photograph it??? I can't even mow my lawn without a swarm of wasps on my back, and their nest is 500 meters away! ( 5 years and 3863 days ago )
robk: This nest hangs about 2 ' above the water where I often fish. Just rowed up shot and rowed away, alot quicker! ( 5 years and 3863 days ago )
ponti55: Haha!! Good story with a great image! ( 5 years and 3861 days ago )
OliviasArts: i get shivers just looking at it robk.... ( 5 years and 3859 days ago )
ramesh: good creativity....congrates.. ( 5 years and 3850 days ago )
Howdie stranger! If you want to participate in this contest, just:
Cheers everyone. This has really cheered me up. I have just spent 10 hours with no break fixing a failed server and I really needed and I felt a bit low!
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just:
If you have some sort of phobia or disgust for Snakes and Mice, i urge you not to look at my step by step guide because one of my own images is a snake eating a mouse.
Two images were my own and the others will be listed. (5 years and 3861 days ago)
dont you have to upload your own images u used in the stock section and list them? im not sure about this tho just be a shame to see ur entry pulled o.o; nice work
edit: my bad i thought all pictures that you mae urself and wanted to use u needed to upload to the stock section before use but its only for pics of yourself... XD
i kinda like the image...
looks good!
looking forward to sbs
wow i wish i could do that
You Can - with my soon to come sbs!
SBS now done!
i liked ur prespective.gr8 job
Very good imagination and work!
Congrats for your first place!
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats, well done
Cheers everyone. This has really cheered me up. I have just spent 10 hours with no break fixing a failed server and I really needed and I felt a bit low!
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: