Just an old village - created by sosipatra

Just an old village
Favs: 0SBS: 10Hi-resRank: 6/17Score: 56.9% (11)11089 views

Looks better in highres. (5 years and 3882 days ago)

7 Sources:

It lights up at dusk - created by k5683

It lights up at dusk
Favs: 1SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 7/17Score: 55.5% (6)5868 views

Imagine yourself walking to the shore of the lake, the grass beneath your toes.....just before you reach the edge, you stop for a moment. Your dog pauses and waits for you, watching your every move as a dog does. You take in the soft cool air on your face blowing from above the water. The smell is like none other....mmmm. Then you realize the sun has gone and the moon has arose. Along with the moon, the bridge has lit up...glowing like fireflies. You take in the beauty, the magnitude, the wonderful gifts God gives us.....
I used the source image and an image of my own of senior pictures that I did. Please see High Resolution and Original Bridge picture in SBS.
SBS coming soon (5 years and 3878 days ago)

staires to the darkness - created by hereisanoop

staires to the darkness
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 8/17Score: 54.7% (0)5393 views

thankand credits to enimel and sxchu (5 years and 3878 days ago)

3 Sources:

The shadows of the wind - created by ponti55

The shadows of the wind
Favs: 0SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 9/17Score: 54.5% (0)5762 views

There you go Lelaina! (5 years and 3883 days ago)

4 Sources:

Grass and Sand - created by k5683

Grass and Sand
Favs: 0SBS: 1Hi-resRank: 10/17Score: 54.1% (0)5882 views

Source image and my own photo. The photo was taken just this weekend in the U.P. of Michigan.
I blended the two photos by placing them one on top of the other. I brought the opacity down and I could see where I needed to erase. I switched from one opacity of the eraser tool to another. It is simple but it was tedious. (5 years and 3879 days ago)