from scratch, photoshop and source only.
My first Dragon. I hope you like him.
He´s actually very jelly, ... uhm, gently i mean. :-)
(5 years and 3872 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:
The Jelly Venus de Milo is the most coveted of all the jelly candies.
This was made using the source for color sampling of highlights and shadows. Then airbrushing the venus by hand using the photo as an underlay. Lots of masks and smooth selection tools were used to get that glossy effect. (5 years and 3873 days ago)
superb work.. i see a bright future for you in jelly dragons
nicely built - very well done
purdy purdy purdy purdy.. reminds me of a golden water fish
damn, you´r right Golem. He told me he would descend from a very unique one-colored-koi family. But now that you say that i start to doupt him a bit.
great image but not an orginal idea in my opnion
great work, but the originality vote is low as there is something very simalar already in the contest. work is great thoe
EvanMugford: I had my eyes on the work! Im sorry that it´s not original for some of you. May it would have been original if i had left the original vote bar away.
ok maybe wasmade before but this is my favorite one!!! good job author
Very good work great attention to detail and yes it looks like jelly
pretty. good job.
original? i will vote on the work that is before me. great detail , real jelly finish GREAT DRAGON. nice job
wow! Awesome work! There are a lot of times when two artists think up the same thing.
eXXXXXLENETT......and advanced congratulations
amazin wrk......................................grt imagination..........................top ntry.................
Really great pic.
Awesome entry, no the idea isn't entirely original but this has been created in a very different way to previous entries and I like it all the same.
Just amazing. You have great imagination, Author!
excellent work!! *fav*
Awesome pic! Top 3!!??
this is awesome... and by the looks of ti... everyone loves dragons!!! well done!!!
Congrats, it's a delicious image!
Glückwunsch Till!
Congrats, a beautiful dragon
Congrats on ur number one spot
Well deserved win...congrats!
Good result, well deserved winner
Wow! wow! wow! Thats extremely impressive!
Congratulations for 1st, brilliant entry
Congrats, great image
well done ...
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: