ponti55: Woah nice image! ( 5 years and 3871 days ago )
DigitalDreamer: darn I so have an idea for this ( 5 years and 3871 days ago )
ZaphodQB: I wonder who photoshoped out the hand holding the compass(not the direction finding device, but the one standing upright all by itself on the compass rose of the map) keeping it from falling over? ( 5 years and 3870 days ago )
GolemAura: the compass is PRESSED into the board, it's a double spike, used on ships so they don't fall off the map (and the map board is usually made of a pourous wood or cork ( 5 years and 3870 days ago )
Akassa: Nice explanation golem, i didn'tknow that :P ( 5 years and 3869 days ago )
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Just wonderful. I wonder how many layers?..... good luck author.... My vote is higher than it shows... I hit the wrong key... my mistake and I apologize. You did a wonderful job!
Nice job! I'd like it better if the blade were longer and that cylindrical piece wasn't in the way of grasping the sword, but still a good piece of work.
Nice construction, I like the blade too. Perhaps I'd expect a bit larger grip for the sword (compared to the blade) and maybe a wider cross guard, so the proportions look better (but of course that's all personal). In fact if you can make the whole sword larger it will look better in the image (as composition). But ok, up to you. Good luck!
Nobody tried to take it out of the stone yet? Well... I'll try it! ---- Hm... doesn't work But ok.... I guess, that it'll probably look better in the stone instead of in my hand anyway Lovely work! Good luck
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I think i would have liked it better if you had placed the boat in a real sea. however the boat you build looks real nice, except the stuff you made on the sail.. but i guess opinions differ nice clean chop
beautiful image, good luck,
Nice and well done, (VERY) Jules Verne comes in my mind.
Really looks magic
love the water on paper effect.. it's really cool.. good luck.. Now you are really going to need a BIG sponge...
Wonderfully done. Excellent work!
this is great.
Very nice effect -- well done
I love it, wonderfuly done!
wow great...Good Luck
Good imagination and a great work!
beautiful work, well done
Good result. It has some nice details in the background. Good luck!
Beautiful and very nice work.
Really fantastic idea and result, great work.
great imagination!!
Cool idea.
I have to get a drawing tablet. Is it a Waacom? Super effect author!
awesome entry !!!
This is really nice. The image blends well and the final result id great.

nice job lol
Just great!
I'm always impressed because of your imagination. I could look at it for hours. Good luck!
Congrats for your first place, Sander!
It's really a lovely work!
Congratulations on the first place, Sander! Well deserved!

Congrats, awesome work
Congrats! Really well done entry.
Congratulations for 1st, great
Congrats! Awesome work
congratulations on ur win!!
Thanx everyone for your comments!!
Howdie stranger!
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