Show us how you think computers will look in the near future. Select any date in the future and design a computer of that time in the future.
Mention the year you have in mind in your description. Your creation is not limited to the current style of computers or laptops, you can also make chip-only computers or even computers embedded in people or animals.
Required level: 8+ or higher. Status: finished. Check out the winners below!
Akassa: I guess something really really small ( 5 years and 3837 days ago )
boogeyman: something organic would be really cool ( 5 years and 3837 days ago )
GolemAura: how about one just sewn into your forehead and the monitor imbedded in your eyes LOL.. it's what it feels like anyway (someone please do that.. it's not something I do but I'd like to see someone else do it ( 5 years and 3837 days ago )
nehayash: i think some real world 72" LCDs and small CPU could enter hear ( 5 years and 3836 days ago )
CMYK46: far nobody has mentioned a date as in the contest instructions... ( 5 years and 3834 days ago )
Eladine: i see a lot of ppl use windows... isnt that a copyright protected trademark? ( 5 years and 3833 days ago )
animmax: I would think so - but its never stopped them before! ( 5 years and 3833 days ago )
arkncheeze: I do remember some contest source from before which had trademark in it... Rember guggi and the beer barrel contest... So it is okay to use trademark or not... Plus in the current "rock fan" contest band logo are allowed to use... So indepth clarification is needed... Perhaps pxleyes should make a new guideline about trademark too... ( 5 years and 3833 days ago )
arkncheeze: errata: not "guggi" I meant to say "gucci" lol ( 5 years and 3833 days ago )
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I think the face of the watch could be a lot better without the reflection.. I doubt MS would allow the use of their logo etc though? Maybe change it to Linux or a different free or open source variant? GL
They keys are like a projection... when your fingers get near them they project a bigger usable keyboard.... that's how I see it.... lol... nicely done!
Its a good concept author. Just one nit-pick with the image; shouldn't the images inside the glasses be flipped around so that the man can see the screen properly from the other side? Otherwise, very good!!!
like before the future in projection... when the fingers get near the keyboard it projections a keyboard you can type on without actually touching..... nice image g/l
love the new name.. vindows... reminds me of ppl always losing there keys... vind = find in dutch and dows sounds a lil like those so you get find those XD nice work author
Howdie stranger! If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: wait.. super geek... no wait... super duper rich geek.... LOL
the micro CD caught me solid.. hehehe
Wish I had one... Awesome job
great idea! Doesn't exactly seem practical if that's the keyboard that comes with it! Good luck
that's what I thought about the keyboard also, but it has a stlylus pen. Is the Windows logo okay to use?
everyone knows that macs are the future of computers.... XD
Would have to do away with the Disney Logo, (the Mickey Ears on the band)
I think the face of the watch could be a lot better without the reflection.. I doubt MS would allow the use of their logo etc though? Maybe change it to Linux or a different free or open source variant? GL
really interesting
Cool. I would love one of those!
That's very original and maybe true some day.
How do you press those tiny lil' keys? Forget that, how do you even SEE them?
They keys are like a projection... when your fingers get near them they project a bigger usable keyboard.... that's how I see it.... lol... nicely done!
arent trademarks copyright protected?
love it--guess nobody sees the stylus pen huh?
Glückwunsch zum 1. Platz!
Congratulations for your first!
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats, well done
Congrats Siminho!
Congrats for 1st
hey congrats for the win..
Congrats!!!!!!! great work!
Howdie stranger!
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