An oldie
Only source (5 years and 3857 days ago)
Howdie stranger!
If you want to participate in this contest, just:
The minute I saw this image I just thought the chair would be perfect for reading...so I decided to create a magic atmosphere filled with books and vintage items!
I added girl and each item from different PNG files to create room atmosphere.
Added shadows individually for each item, colored overall and then added overall shadows.
Added backround texture, played with adjustment layers.
Extra Sources:
- Sun Mirror Frame - http://bluesse.deviantart.com/art/23-TRNSP-PNGS-MIRRORS-FRAMES-131582454;
- Teddy Bear - http://inspyretash-stock.deviantart.com/art/Teddy-Bear-2-70717297
- Bird Cage - http://bluesse.deviantart.com/art/27-TRNSP-PNGS-VINTAGE-OUTDOOR-123321745;
- Words Brush - http://spiritsighs-stock.deviantart.com/art/Words-15277456;
- Texture - http://sammykaye1sstamps.deviantart.com/art/Fungus-Texture-6-99140668;
- Pixie Dust and Glitter - http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/art/Glitter-Sparkles-Brushes-48646588;
- Light Beams - http://www.obsidiandawn.com/light-beams-photoshop-gimp-brushes.
Credits to:
- "Bluesse" on Deviantart for an amazing stock with lots and lots of PNG files, extremely useful. You can find author at: http://bluesse.deviantart.com/;
- "Darkmaiden" on Deviantart for the perfect little girl reading photo. Please visit author at: http://darkmaiden-stock.deviantart.com/;
- "Inspyretash" for a great teddy bear shot. Author's account at: http://inspyretash-stock.deviantart.com/;
- "Spiritsighs" for a great words brush. Please check a lot more other useful brushes at: http://spiritsighs-stock.deviantart.com/;
- "sammykaye1sstamps" on deviantart for a very nice texture, find other more useful stuff at: http://sammykaye1sstamps.deviantart.com/;
- Last but not least: "Redheadstock" also on Deviantart, for a great glitter brush, and many more at: http://redheadstock.deviantart.com/.
Hope you like it! SBS coming soon! (5 years and 3854 days ago)
My old entry. GrassHopper is created using only texture from rendered sofa and used http://www.sxc.hu/photo/581192 as background and reference.
Unfortunately I found only merged final PSD and other version of PSD, which has approx 75 layers was deleted, when contest was ended at PST. Therefore I can't able to do any modification.
Thanks to Chris Jones (standardup) at sxc.hu. He has been notified. (5 years and 3856 days ago)
envelope please..... and the winner is.... hehehehe (though it's still early and some amazing chops are popping up... great that you saved this one... it's AWESOME)
Soo funny!!!
This is wonderful! I love it
great job
very nice
Excellent - this is one I'd like to keep as a reminder of stuff that really makes me excited - well done.
Oh, I was waiting for this one!
So good to see it back! Good luck again!
Amazing idea!superb job
nice too see this back again!
Another great work from old PST, Great job done author
Enough said... lol... brilliant!
Good work!
wasn't this submited before, when pstalent existed???
So jealous! Brilliant!!!!!!
I remember this one also, fantastic work.
I really love this
here we go....
hehe loving the faces!!

Looks great love the way you put the couch texture on the camilian.
Awesome pic!!
Very nice blending! Great job.
Congrats! Great entry!!!
Congrats!!! What a beautiful birthday present for you
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats, he's so cute, wonderful work
Congrats, Mqtrf!
very very good, congrats for 1st
Congrats for 1st
Congrats! A very well deserved 1st place!
congrats cutie

Congrats! Too funny!
Amazing work!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
i can't say what everyone else has already said but in my own words...this is what photoshop is all about...excellent job and congratz
Howdie stranger!
If you want to rate this picture or participate in this contest, just: