1. I cropped each piece apart (check the sources)
2. The picture with the snake i gave it from a website of photoshoptalent its freeware but i cant find the site now because now its pxleyes...sorry i hope it's all right and that you like it. Crazy idea but i just started creating there ...
3.masked the snake with the tree on separate file
5. masked the hedgehog in separate layed and file with the jaar.
6. Cut the leaf.
7. I brought them all together in the envrionment and splited in two colors and olos added some light effect to the windows and some effect to the entire picture (Gaussian Blur)
I hope its weird enaugh..that is the purpuse anyway:D thanks (5 years and 3922 days ago)
Author.. upload the pics you used from this site into an SBS.. great play on the dada surealism.. might want to enlarge the subject matter to give it a little more oomph but totally unnecessary in a surealistic piece.. others will have more suggestions.. good luck
Hey, i'm an "other," now I gotta have more suggestions... erm...
would be awesome to see the hedgehow in the snakes mouth, or even see it eating the snake
Nice entry
interesting idea good luck!
good luck =)
Another back from the dead - i remember this one.. I still think it would look better if you came straight down the wall and under the table.. GL.
I like the lighting and colors
maby you should bother with blending. look for layermasks, they help a lot! and the mainparts of the image, the hedgehog and the snaketree are a little too small, they dont atract attention
how do i send a reply to moderator i have fixed the images but i need some authorization for the jar one i havent checked that one in the first place
Howdie stranger!
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