I had lots of fun doing this, although the initial idea was a little different :)
No outside sources were used to make this, only the source image. The water was partly made with Squirlz Water Reflections (which is a freeware, probably the reason it doesn't do a very good job :) )
I promise to make a SBS tomorrow.
What I did was draw the girl with a Pen Tool, her dress and her wings are made from the ribbon in the source. The house and the tree trunk is from the box. The moon - easy to be made in PS, lots of tutorials on this on-line. The rest are the standard ps brushes (leaves and grass). The "stars" are made from the ribbon as well. The SBS with pictures coming soon :) (5 years and 3895 days ago)
That's a lotta Brush work and thatsa what they are for.. very good use of source as well.. good luck author
Ohhh this is so cute
and creative! Great work.
good work, reflection is too strong.
Thx guys The reflection, imo, is okay - she is a fairy, and, being such, is glowing
so her reflection must be stronger than that of the surrounding objects - no?. I added the SBS, which turned out to be quite small, but I really could not think of what else needed adding.. If you have any questions, please ask
) And thank you for your comments 
very nice
nice job
Since I am a sucker for manga and animes... This one gets high marks from me... I guess this is the first entry having anime element since the pheonixation(
this is a made up word) of PST to pxleyes... Correct me if I am wrong... Anyways great job 

Man, I write way too much now a days while commenting... Must be the GolemAura effect lol
Tnx arkncheeze
p.s. keep them huge comments coming! lol

Howdie stranger!
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