I tried to make an album of us...Lots of members are not here so please:
For sure I must do some others such as Spaceranger, Annabat, Cablawadg so, don't esitate I must modify my entry.
A few steps will arrive soon (dunno what but I must make them..)
The sources used are the photos of members in the forum and sounds silly to post all the PMS with permissions and links hehe =) (5 years and 3905 days ago)
Please watch High Res, I hope you like my idea
It's the first time I make caricatures so...I know :p
Grand awesome work. We have a winner

LOL is really funny and good luck! but please change my name to RGB not Vlad_RgB if u want
great! this is cool
lot of work. nice entry
Come on people pm the author with your photo LOL !

Edit: author i have some other names for u which u missed out Olga, cornelia mladenova
Now that I look it from the work's PC is a bit dark...dunno...these monitors are a pain in the *** Sorry Vlad my apologizes I wrote your name of the forum I'll change it as soon as I can. Also Nisha and Devangel I'll make them soon
Loooool, what a nice family picture!!!!
very nice job very good for 1st time caricatures, the idea is biiiiigggggggggg, i will print this one for memory
loooool.......thats awesome.........great job and nice thinking out of the box
great work author..
Thank you my family
I tried to do my best and with some of you (such as CMYK or Mike, Filantrop ecc...) I think I did a good job...not sure about some such as mymy and Wazowski....they're too perfect at my eyes eheheh
Oh yeah, I like my neighbors!
Lovely art work........ Good Luck.
*lol* such a great idea
LOL LOL LOL ... man, I look awsome!!
The idea is GREAT! What else to say - GOOD (and a lot of hehe) JOB!! 
Well done! Fun to see all together!
Oh this is GREAAAAAAAT!!!! heheheeee, I love my em "big" lips
heeeeeeheee! well done author!!!!!
Great work! If you can lighten the ones that are too dark, you'll have a masterpiece here!

very nice
LOL.....luks like u covered whole PXLeyes......anyone left here ?????......I thinks tats enough......not enough its TOO MUCH..........

EDIT: I love the Solkee head....
AWESOME! i looks kinda cute
I tried to overlay Mike and CrazyChelie they kinda match
great album !
you are a very good caricaturist!love what u did with all of the pics; thanks for including mine
jeyyy! really coo! i want to be in! i want to be in! i want to be in! (my pic is in the forum now), Great entry, and Cmyk looks funny.
Yeah CMYK is a squirrel
you'll have yours promised 

Superb!! Nice job!!
this image is awesometastical!
Wow that's a real masterpiece ! good job !
i guess if your gonna do more than 3 you might as well do 51 XD hahaha
ha ha ha, actually you didnt caricaturized me
thats how i look when i need to sneeze
good job! Thanks for adding me to thouse colabo of great people. ha ha ha cmyk is so great made, i still cant stop laughing.
OMG u have made mine
I made you evil Nisha
This is Great!!! A fantastic thing you do here Author

you made me look better
not all of them don't fit for me in caricature theme, but i like idea and some of them is very cool!
Yes I know read my first comment Fille
Heroic effort and looks great.
yes i know your first comment author, but it not canges my view for your work - actually is here only your word for me, that it is first time
also i'm too not something caricaturist, but this can't never hold me back to think, how i want... LOL btw, i lost with this theme my votepower - i was too critical... it's sad, becourse for you i gave 95% for look-out of big picture... 
Congrats...great job!
A well deserved win !
Congrats! Well done!
Congratulations for 1st, nice
Congrats Giallo!
Congrats Giallo, a beautiful piece of work
thx guys
feel free to use this picture 
haha, great, congrats
gratz dude!
Well desrved victory, well done.
Congrats!. Well deserve
very good congratulations
Congrats for 1st
I knew this would win!!Well done my italian stallion
kissss bello!!!! CONGRATS!
Congratulations..... for your first place.... it is funnyyyyyy!
CONGRATS!!!! Deserved Highlight
and, JES im IN! Now i can retire, ... (just a joke)
Howdie stranger!
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