Thanks and credits to:
- SweetTradeStock (http://sweettradestock.deviantart.com)
- o-BlueMoon-o (http://o-bluemoon-o.deviantart.com)
- tanystock (http://tanystock.deviantart.com)
- dreamweaver69stock (http://dreamweaver69stock.deviantart.com) (5 years and 3877 days ago)
4 Sources:
I'm liking this alot, especially the colouring... great image!
its a nice image and i rly had to see this in high res, thnx for adding the high res
. but i think if you put a lil more work in it its gonna be much better... the flowers arround her leg ar not in perspective (i asume they suposed to be going arround her leg?) try bending the flowers at the sides of her legs a little with warp tool, and the shadows too light. i also would suggest to vary the colours of the flowers just a lil bit (near colors but not exact same.. that makes it look more natural) i dont know what you pur arround her other leg and arm but that arround her leg really looks weird. what is it? maybe add a bow for arroudn the pigs neck in light pinkish so the flower there seems attached and not just pasted on since is the excact same flower as the others, you might want to change the petals a little maybe.. holding off my vote for now... I like the mood you gave to the image... goodluck 
Thanks alot for your advices eladine i'm gonna work more on the image. The things around her leg and arm are roots.
I can guess who this is JUST because of the use of flowers xD Good luck!!
Worked on the pig's necklace and the flowers around her leg.
grt use of source................................nice colors...................gl..........
verry nice
looks better all ready but still i would suggest to use the warp tool on the flowers on her leg... the root arround her leg looks odd but i cant put my finger on it how to change it
Yeh i know, i used a little warp before but it wasn't enough so i've totally remade the flowers again with the warp tool, also added new shadows.
Sorry, but when you use a figure with a silly pose, you end up with a silly image. Technically this is very good, but it made me snort milk out my nose....
Nothing like a girl and her pig!
nice composition but it would have been more original if you took a forest image and placed a model there
Congrats Akassa! Sweet composition
Congrats, nice work
Congratulations for 1st
Howdie stranger!
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