***lightened background slightly for more contrast***
sources used:
Insects0004 from cgtextures.com: http://cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=18885&PHPSESSID=33dc56c2a1ca8b12c72d5cf361f7ed78
had to reduce image size to save face on resolution... (5 years and 3839 days ago)
- 1: source1
Great idea, but I thing it would have been even better if you change the backround to something more contrasting to the butterfly. That would make the butterfly pop.
For some reason this reminds me *spoiler* on the freaky end trip *spoiler* in the movie 2001: a Space Odyssey. Pretty psychadelic
. Good luck!
to the moderators: i recieved notice that my source for texture is leading to the registration page, but i'm linking to the download, my only other option is to link the front page of the site, which i was told not to do??? the source works for me, i think you have to be registered to download, so maybe it doesn't work for everyone. what pisses me off, is that a moderator told me to use this site, and now i'm having problems?
Author, I can't open your link either and I'm always logged in at CGTextures. Even when I copy the link from your description, I just see the registration page. I tried a little and please try this link here:

That one works fine for me.
(maybe it's because of the missing "www." in your link?)
Edit: Yep, I just tried it. It is because of the missing "www."
But with the link I gave you, it'll work
Good luck
I like the way you captured the mountains as wings- good job
you know what's funny? i meant to red flag the moderators, but i'm glad i put it in my comments, otherwise Lelaina wouldn't have given me a site link that works...Thanx Lelaina...i don't know why the other link was working for only me, very confusing.
well, the new source link for the butterfly's body is: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=18885 (thanks to Lelaine) but i can't edit my entry now to correct it?!?! so i'm putting it HERE for now...
You're welcome
I'm glad, that I was able to help
But maybe you could also red flag it again, so the mods will see it, in case they don't read the comments. Good luck again!
Howdie stranger!
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