I originally wanted to enter the branches contest, but realized it was for 10+ level...lol. So I added the skeleton and flower. I think I like this one better actually. I made the moss with a brush using dynamic and scattered properties, then blurred the result. (5 years and 3626 days ago)
Nice work over all, but you didn't really use the source, just pasted it in.
thanks for the comment. "Pasting" is such a harsh word in photoshop. I cropped, blended, transformed, and added a stem to the flower. Granted it's not the biggest object, but I was hoping it would draw the most attention, given that it has the most color. It's better appreciated when you see it in full view.
Very mysterious mood! I love the way you did the trees! Looking at the scene, you are level 10++++... Better if you upload your sbs.
i agree w/ cmyk and nator. i once entered the cork screw contest and made the screw as unicorn horn; it was pulled because of minimal souce used and it was way larger in percentage to the whole image than this. this is very good image though...if it's in the beach branch contest this would be the one i'd put the highest score in. ;P
nice image ... but imo poor use of source
Thank you all for your comments. If you see the entry as is, yes the source looks really small, but if you see it in it's full size view 1600x1200 then you can see the flower better and how it fits within the setting. I originally wanted to use it for the branches contest, but I'm new here and have not leveled up yet. In fact this is my first contest.
1st contest...wow. you'll be one of the top contender here then lol
Kinda CRB'd the source IMO
@ ricky777, thanks! I'm really here just to share what I make and see what others have created. That's what I enjoy the most. @ jawshoewhah, CRB'd ? I don't know what that stands for.
Howdie stranger!
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