I originally planned to do something entirely different, but then this surreal little scene popped into my head upon a second glance at the picture...
Train is made from scratch, with parts from source pic. Tracks, hills, and hot air balloons are all pure source, except for a couple of texture brushes. Aside from the brushes and a filter, the sky is the only external source used. (5 years and 3614 days ago)
I guess that's you
. Simple but very nice, especially color and looks cartoonish
. Good luck ^^!
very very fluffy fun.. good thing the train wasn't scheduled for that back hill.. train would go bye bye.. GREAT JOB!!! (tweek the edge of the hill so that track doesn't look like it just cut off in space. ) IMHO (all fixed.. great job)
EDIT.. yes the farthest hill's rail looks like it just ends not goes behind the other hill.. I'm sure it's super simple, but it does draw the eye.. (GREAT JOB ALL ROUND)
Thanks to the both of ya.
Drivenslush, are you referring to the track piece in the upper-left? If so, I see what you're saying and I can try darkening the hill edge a bit.
looks almost 3-D, NJ

The only suggestion I have is to blur the back balloon a bit to create a depth of field.
lol it's lovely, nice work
Very cute and criative!
Just one little thing (really little): train's wheel perspective is a bit odd, imo... It could be just my impression!
Thank you all! I was thinking about that, Kid. I'll give it a try. Erikuri, you're right--the wheels may be skewered a bit. I'll see if I can make it any better, but I'm afraid I might mess it up since I merged the train for some transform adjustments. Drivenslush, will fix ASAP.
EDIT: Fixed the hill edge. Look any better now? Kid, I tried the blur thing but it took away from the cartoony look, as you can't make out the tracks too clearly.
nice work... love this mood...
Nice work author
It still looks good without adding the blur

i want the train XP
great ! awesome job !
best entry with best and great skills thumbs up for you author
Hard to visualize the source without looking at the sbs. Wonderful job you did in creating this one, GL
great idea good job
Howdie stranger!
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