The source image was begging for this to be done. Nothing but the source used. (5 years and 3577 days ago)
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very well done author.. are the White spatter dots on purpose?).. (really only noticeable in high res.. over all work and result is quite excellent) good luck!!!
You did what everyone was thinking of but didn't want to create. Pretty good executed! Yellow lights look good, but the red ones look a bit odd. The white spots in them are weird, I would suggest to make those red and put the layer on overlay to get really bright red parts. The bulbs should only create red light. You could also create a big red glow around the whole thing. Good luck!
I like it ...it would look cool to me if the lights were brighter and the B/G darker but thats just my humble opinion. Good job.

EDIT: FANTASTIC improvement
Thanks Drivenslush...yes the spots are stars. Ressiv...thanks for your advice. I was battling whether or not to go with the light-ish inside glows. I used 'overlay' and made the color more intense. I also added a large overall glow to reds...Looks better! Thanks!

Ichappell...thanks. I darkened the bkgd and brightened the color a bit.
very nice
Great job author...it really works!
This is really nice work! I was going to attempt something similar except with the whole ride in view. I'm glad I didn't, this turned out really good. Good luck!
Very nice
realistic and fantastic..............

Great job with the changes! Good luck!
Ah crap... I was doing the same thing. Oh, well. back to the idea board.
Great work author,u made very convincing effect...best of luck
Very nice. And while perhaps obvious (turn on the lights and make it night!), it's not all that easy, especially when there are so many bulbs. Quibbles: What is illuminating the superstructure behind the contained elements holding the bulbs? What is in the center of the 'donut' [a back-lit cover would be good]?
lights on, great job
looks real..., very welldone
Great idea and good job. GL
I'm sure you did a much better job than I could have. I was planning on putting something like a moon or shooting star for something I was working on but maybe you thought about that and thought it might have been too much. Either way, this should place so GL!.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments. @ jawshoewhah: Yeah...I toyed with putting in a moon and some hazy clouds, but it almost looked distracting. I kinda wanted it to look like it was a real capture from a scene at night. Therefore it most likely would not have all the "cool" elements. Thanks for the GL. I'll need it with all the amazing entries in this contest.
Nice one.....Good Luck Author.
Congrats for your fourth place, Rob!
Howdie stranger!
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