Source image used to replace all hair. Added mustache and goatee. Did the eyebrows. Smudged like a madman to get the hairy effect and used the rubberstamp tool to clean up edges where the "hair" meets the forehead. Criticism and comments are welcome....I think! The photo is a picture of me that my wife took (5 years and 3547 days ago)
Forgot to mention that I used the burn tool to darken the right side of the "hair" to try and match the shadows of the original pic. Did I mention that the photo is a picture of me that my wife took?
Don't forget to post your unedited image in your SBS as per the Rules & Guidelines.
Idea is funny of course, but I think it would have worked even better if you didnt use the smudge tool, but just kept the tree for what it was. Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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