Thanks to lindowyn for the use of the hand stock.
Hmm. I tried the source link before publishing and it doesn't seem to be working properly. So, go to: http://lindowyn-stock.deviantart.com/gallery/ , scroll down to anatomy and its hand stock 5. (5 years and 3483 days ago)
- 1: source1
purely awesome.

WOO HOO... butt wiggle... tail wag cute puppy head tilt one floppy ear
(wrist is a bit hinky but it doesn't distract from the greatness!!!)
EDIT: WRIST IS PERFECT NOW... EXCELLENT JOB AUTHOR... (Only bad part now is that I can't favorite again
You completely CBR'd the source. (chopped beyond recognition) You didn't need the source to make this. Incorporating more of the source would greatly improve your score.
Yup, jawshoewhah, I did CBR it. But kind of interesting that I could "see" something like this in the given source, doncha think?
Um, no, but you got plenty of time to put more into it.
Seriously, I was seeing robots, vending machines, and maybe converted bus stops. How about even some futuristic space ship or maybe model the panels around beautiful naked mannequins as their outer skin. (OK that's enough free ideas. I just came up with those)
\Even though CBR'd entries are not against the rules, if you could make it out of anything, then the source is not even necessary. Just remember that when you can use the source in a clever way and I don't have to go to your SBS to view it, then you've used the source.
Very creative, Great work piece.
great job !! gl
Josh, I was seeing robots, too, obviously, but I wanted to do something different besides robot warriors or robot women or robot animals. And sometimes, less is more, so I didn't feel the need to make the entire robot. I couldn't have made this entry if your photo had been a close up of a flower, but there was all that lovely flat metal, the cement ground made a great skin because of the texture and the trash bin was perfect as a background. If you have to go to the SBS to see how I did it, well...maybe I made it well enough that someone will be able to learn about the methods I used and try it themselves sometime.

Bottom line, your imagination and mine are very dfferent. And for that, I guess we *both* can be thankful for small favors, yes?
I agree too nice imagination is correct. Good luck Author
very nice work author,work with the metal parts and the wires is fantastic...only thing that i don't like is the wrist...and when i say wrist i mean that inside parts are great but i dont get shape and the function of the skin-ish part...IMHO work would be better withot that outside part...any how i like this work and i wish u best of luck...
OK, I redid the wrist. Thanks, Slushy and erathion.
Sorry, I completely agree with Jawshoewhah. This is really CBR. All the source is is a bunch of textures. You could have done this with any picture! Of course CBR isn't illegal or something but this is, though very well done, a somewhat lazy idea. What if I just made the source really narrow, warped it and turned it into a whip and made it an Indiana Jones-themed entry?
EDIT: Sorry, author, I really, really love your other work...this one is just too CBR for me.
Lazy idea? pfftt. Nice comment senior.
Good job Author
Gamemastertips, if you could take the source and *only* using that to make Indie cracking a whip, I...would...LOVE it. You could use the post to make his hat (and the whip, of course), the trash bin could be made into his leather jacket, the pants could be made out of the ceiling light or maybe the metal sides, if you dull it down some...it would be a *lot* of work, but I bet you could do it.
Author, even if you would love it, I would hate it lol...sorry, I suppose that's just my taste and opinion. It's just...I cannot recognize a single part of the source if I hadn't looked in the SBS. Add just one small part...the ticket slot, the computer screen, anything that would make the source recognizable, and I wouldn't say it's CBR. But as it is...I apologize, but my opinion still stands.
I still very much love your work. And re: Cornelia, I'm not even a real fan of that style, but yes, it can be incredibly beautiful. But again, even in Cornelia's work, you can at least recognize parts of the source being used. Author, I'm afraid I can't. That's the only thing that makes me dislike it. Otherwise, I'm astounded at the work you did on the wires...you're still a great artist, of course.
EDIT: Thank you author.
Don't apologize, g. Your opinion is as valid as anyone else's. If that's how you feel, OK. No worries. As for me, I just try and make images that I think people will enjoy looking at, using whatever method evolves. (Honestly, I didn't start out to disguise the source. It just happened that way.) My main objective is an image I hope people will enjoy and that's fun to make. I fulfilled the second part. We'll have to see if I was successful with the first part.
CBR????? Since when has that made a difference here? Wow! Some awesome pictures have been made that you cannot recognize the source anymore---look at CorneliaMladenova's work! She does awesome work!
I think you did a great job author!
Cornelia ALWAYS keeps the original source visible and recognizable in her entries. That's why she;s one of the best choppers on this site.
And IMO, it makes a big difference because if you don't use the source in a creative way, still making it recognizable, you didn't use it. I don't know why some people can't seen to understand that?
jawshoewhah "she;s one of the best choppers on this site." I totally agree with that--my favorite I think. "ALWAYS keeps the original source visible and recognizable" I disagree with that though.
Author, I don't care if it is CBR because it is very artistic and a beautiful chop! I'd put it on my wall
Author: I think you did a wonderful job, even if your image is a CBR, it is still an idea taken from the source image. You should be proud of what you did. Good luck.
nice image, gl to you!!
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