This is classic fantasy meets Sci-Fi. A speculation of how the Emerald City Palace might look with a futuristic twist. Here surrounded by a magical aura
floating through the cosmos the city can move anywhere in the universe instantaneously.
Trees are from flickr, brushes from JennB all else is contest source and photoshop. (5 years and 3466 days ago)
ooh vote is 176, and view is 139?
I think you did a good job, putting the forms together, the perspective and the reflections look nice. I love it... good luck.
Oh, but I'm a very GOOD man. I'm just a very bad wizard.... hehehe
Very appealing concept. BUT Perfect symmetry is kind of boring. Looks more like some sort of futuristic, green-tinged silver tea set on a tray than a city IMO. I do like how the background provides a sense of place without distracting from the focus of the image. The trees-under-the-dome element is my favorite part, but I'm not sure what's causing the flare.
Dan.. the flare is Glinda crash landing her magic soap bubble into the side of the dome.. (she got drunk in Munchkin Land on Lolipop Guild Brandy and the mayor made a pass at her so she left in a hurry...
At times symmetry is desired by the artist or by the architect. Check this to see other symmetrical structures like the Taj Mahal, Lotus Temple, U.S. Capitol etc..: http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&biw=2505&bih=1287&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=symmetrical+buildings&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=

This is purely fantasy art, meant to express an idea as I see it and hopefully entertain.
Edit: Thanks for the comments! Slushie... how did you know?
Symmetry is indeed the hallmark of very formal structures as that contributes to their dignity. Whole cities are rarely that rigid, however (and certainly not true of the Oz in the now-classic movie "The Wizard of Oz," for example). Nevertheless, you are completely free to express your own artistic vision just as I'm free to yawn. Good luck!
It's simply amazing and cool!... And dot!
i love it ,good luck
Thanks again for the comments, I've added a step 5 to show the scale more clearly, obviously not a megalopolis, more like a cathedral sized space ship. @DanLundberg...I appreciated your first comment, you made some complimentary remarks and in spite of the snide remark I respected your point of view about symmetry. I responded only to point out my inspiration, I said nothing offensive yet you felt the need to be rude... bad form.
Like the image ... I think the symmetry adds to the surreal quality ... maybe it is just me. I like the whole effect. Great detail and well put together. Definitely feels like the Emerald City in Space Lovely! :clap:
Superb work!! love the color
Ditto what Arca said, and I love the green. Your step 5 - LOL re: the 'magic generators'. Very nice work, author. Anything scifi, shiny AND green gets my attention every time!

very nice construction author...best of luck
Howdie stranger!
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