Controlled by a Mad Scientist! (5 years and 3401 days ago)
2 Sources:
To Own the Stars ![]() by arca 21167 views - final score: 68% | Bear Factory ![]() by Chalty669 10802 views - final score: 61.8% | My Lab to Another Dimension ![]() by pearlie 12753 views - final score: 59.3% |
Robomantis ![]() by Zakfuego 11220 views - final score: 58.1% | night knight ![]() by mircea 12470 views - final score: 57.1% | cryogenium 1863 ![]() by gornats 3965 views - final score: 56.7% |
Rivet Runner ![]() by pearlie 6248 views - final score: 54% | Steampunk Robot ![]() by freejay 9302 views - final score: 53.9% | light at the end of a tunnel ![]() by fotomanie 11607 views - final score: 53.1% |
Olympic Railtrack... ![]() by rajaitusa 6370 views - final score: 52.9% | High mountain rack ![]() by marina08 6601 views - final score: 52.7% | Tell Me A Story... ![]() by Lamantine 6800 views - final score: 52.4% |
Desperation ![]() by lespaul11 10176 views - final score: 51.5% | Trainacon ![]() by sbhuvan 3861 views - final score: 50.6% | robo da ![]() by javeedahamed 5493 views - final score: 49.8% |
On the run ![]() by lespaul11 4830 views - final score: 46.2% |
Howdie Guest!
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Where did the face come from? There is no source listed, and if it's painted, please show a couple of steps.

Edit: ok, cool.
Sorry Pearlie, but the source is up now, it takes a few minutes ...... and its a photo of a mask....not a painting or a rendering.....was the only decent pic of a mad scientist i could find
Pic looks better in high res
Definitely works in hi res ... I agree with you author! Love the concept and I think there is a great story here ... I would hate to have him rolling down the tracks after me! I can just imagine a girl tied to the tracks in front of him ... anyone ever heard about The Perils of Pauline!
nice work
Very odd but nicely made
Oh my gosh, that thing in the window, totally sacred me, lol. Nice work.
Damn......53.9% score??????
What an insult.
That seems a bit low....this piece wasnt the best in the contest, but deserved a better score than that..
"...this piece wasnt the best in the contest, but deserved a better score than that."
By what standards? Every piece ranking better than yours showed much more effort, transforming the source image, while your entry basically just masked off portions and added a face and some lights. Technically it was sound work, but aesthetically you didn't alter the image all that spectacularly to rank much more than "average," which at 50%, is pretty much where you landed after 841 votes.
Perhaps if you had put your "scientist" in more of an environment, say of a laboratory, or a hidden workshop, your concept would have read better and you would have gotten a better score. But for what you did, compared to all the other entries, I think you ranked correctly in this contest.
Don't let your hubris control you. It won't help here. To rank high, you have to show more than just good chop skills, you need your concepts to show good imagination as well.
Mossy B........No need to tell me how to rank high...i am an old timer here and used to be in the top 10 choppers at the old PST.
The problem is the voting system....people vote without understand what goes into the picture and i just dont have time to make a 10 step guide.
The concept in this pic was good and it should of scored higher.
53 % is an insult
Nothing to do with my Hubris controlling me.
Howdie stranger!
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