Thanks to:
scragz @ flickr for the twins
Le-Rain @ dA for the snow brushes
SBS will be added, just forgot to bring it with me today.
would like comments, as i think i want to crop this down a bit..and something is missing. i can't decide what..it just feels...unfinished.
***Alright guys. updated. no snow. cropped in closer to bring the girls more in the main focus. better?*** (5 years and 3408 days ago)
- 1: Twins
- 2: snow brushes
Not sure about the snow brushes, but interesting idea.
:lol: i'm good with interesting.
and of course, i knew you'd say something about the brushes. damn premade brushes anyway. However, like alot of resources out there..it makes my life so much easier. because, i tried the snow thing manually...and didn't like it..so there are about 3 different layers of snow that i've messed about with using those brushes. but... i wanted it to look like it was snowing. :P
Well you've certainly achieved "Creepy" well enough!
Snow isn;t too hard to make in photoshop, my method is adding noise onto a black background and blurring it by 2 or so pixels, then using levels isolating just a few white specks. (Much like when creating rain using the "Noise" method if you're familiar)
Then i go to Filter -> Pixelate -> Crystallize and play around with the values. Once you press okay you'll have larger white flakes, i then add a bit of motion blur, set the blending mode to screen and reduce the opacity a bit.
That is, if you feel like changing the brushes :P Good luck!
Re: My comment. In the source pic there's no snow falling. It's a good photo. Author, your addition of the "twins" works for me, but they could just as easily be standing there after the snow, so you wouldn't have to deal with the suckiness of the snow brushes, especially since premade brushes have become an issue in the forum of late. Just saying, ya know?
The snow doesn't make real and the two personnages seem to be out of the picture, try to fix it with more shadow. Good luck author
the snow looks like white blobs of damaged photo... haha it doesnt look like snow at all. and what about the source for the owl on one top of one of the bowls?
Check the sbs hockey. Its there. My own source.
And how is your comment remotely close to constructive?
Remind me to grant you and your images the same courtesy, but I'm sure you are an ace photoshopper and never do anything to cause someone to critique you in this manner, right?
As Ponti said Creeeeppppy ... I would hate to meet those 2 on a dark stair way ... and try running away in the snow, slipping and sliding. I'd probably slip and fall and crack my head open. Maybe that is what they want! Okay, now I will definitely have nightmares tonight.

As to the snow. I can understand why you want it. If you PM me I can give you some tips on making snow brushes. Ponti's method works well and there are a few other things you can try that don't involve too much work.
thank you dear. your comment is very much appreciated.
i will be following up with you in pm's to find out some helpful tips.
For now, i've adjusted the image more to the "realistic" version without the crappy snow brushes due to all of the comments/complaints on the image. hopefully, i didn't wait too long to do so.
Even creepier, I like the glow from the apples. And the owl stands out more now. I did not think the snow before was bad but I do think this works better.
What a great horror scene author...This 2 girls are probably Jason's little twin sisters...
Owl is a great touch...best of luck
Howdie stranger!
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