painted in ps. No external sources used. Please see the sbs to see te complete process. (5 years and 3313 days ago)
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Howdie Guest!
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Nice work
Good looking painting.
Interesting, but her necklace is off center to the rest of the image (her face and shirt).
Anatomically, her nose is a bit too long, with the tip too close to the lips and her eyes are too almond shaped (not the eyelids, but the eyeball beneath) - That can be adjusted with a wee bit more shading on the outer edges of the eyeballs, to give them a more spherical shape within the eye sockets.
Really excellent values on the shirt, and the hair is very well done!
Thanks, Mossyb.., i agree with the eyes.., and updated it. But if you have a closer look, you can see that the necklace is centered with the nose line, it is the shirt which is not centered with the face, and that makes the illusion according to your comment.. i placed the tip of the nose at center from chin to eyes (3/4 of the face) . And i can see it is the lips, that are a ittle away from the chin. More than 1/5. But, for this image it looks ok. (to me atleast.) i do had placed the lips a little downward. But that distracted the expressive look of the girl. so i am leaving it as it is.. Thanks again for your great comment...
And i found the problem of nose. It was some shading steokes that were on the right edge of the nose... Updated that too... Thanks again
This is just really well done. Rather eye candy to me. The only little suggestion I have is see if you might be able to put some definition on the center area of her nose. Right now to me it gets lost. Perhaps shade the right side just slightly darker from the middle of her nose to the right. I'm only suggesting this because I really like this and think it might help.

EDIT: Looks
wow wonderful job
, u done it beautifully,skin tone,dress necklace everything is great .but i agree with kid about the shading on the sides of her nose.The shading on her shirt is great, some detailed explanation about the lighting and shading will be helpful to us(mean a tutorial). All the best to you author , you are talented
high marks and fav from me 
Nose updated.., thank you pixelkid
Great drawing skills author...her eyes are amazing...well done
wow beautiful work....
most detailed sbs!!! i am also impressed!! I have to try this one as i always want to learn portraits and hope u convert this into tutorial too!!

ofcourse nisha, you can see this as a tutorial this month..
thanks author

Very nice
beautiful job! 
One of the best SBS I've seen! = )
WOW...I agree with Emik...nice SBS...Spectacular Work author!
you are one of the real masters here,....instant fav this time and times to come for sure....


I'm having an annabat flash back.. LOL.. great job
Bravo on a wonderful painting and your SBS is incredible. Overall amazing job! A few things that I noticed in Hi Res ...IMO I do find the eyes a little too "symmetrical". Making them slightly different from each other would give the face more character ... also I think the eyes would benefit from tear ducts, inner lids (the part the eyelashes grow out of) and lower eyelashes. These are all very minor things, the image is truly lovely and has a style all it's own! High marks and definite fav!!!
Fantastic ! I'll fav this for reference down the road. GL
marvelous ......... really beautiful entry ..............
very nice machaaa!!!!!
Absolutely beautiful work, author.
Ditto Nisha, waiting forward to seeing your new tut!
Congrats on 2nd place, Anoop. Wow, this was a close contest.
well done.
Congratulations! Very close ... it is hard to compete with cute little creatures but you came soooo close!
Congrats, keep working
Howdie stranger!
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