She held the rose in her hands, she had held so many of them in the last few days. As the thorns tore again at her finger she watched the blood flow. Legend told that the Blooding of a White Rose would save them from the devastation, famine, and war that would soon be upon them. She watched as the rose became stained with her blood, ignoring the pain in her hands. It was nothing to the desperate ache in her heart. A heart that cried out for the legends to be true; It had to be, this was The Last Rose!
PL-E-E-E-A-SE VIEW IN HI-RES ... texture and detail just make this compressed version look blurry ;-)
Thank you to pinkpaint-stock for the lady image and zommy for the Rose. All other photo's used are my own (see SBS).
Animated Gif at end of SBS (5 years and 3269 days ago)
Very lovely image, the rose is AWESOME TOUCH.. MUCH LUCK!!!! great job
Beautiful imagery and synopsis. The mood is heartbreaking! Nice job, author!
very nice work -- great work with the light
This is so very beautiful. The dress is fantastic, as is the lighting. I just want to keep looking at this image. Great job!
stunning, the dress in particular looks great.... very well done author
fabulous work, she looks so sad, excellent SBS
Geat mood, full of despair
Super as usual. I love her dress, and how sad she looks.
Thank you one and all for the wonderful comments and favs!
Congrats, Arca! So lovely and so well done.
Congrats Nancie, love it
Hi, congratulation...
Congrats on an awesome & lovely design!
Congrats on an awesome & lovely design!
Congrats.. for the second place., beautiful job as usual.,
Howdie stranger!
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