One year ago, the Gulf coast of the United States was devastated by an oil spill after an offshore rig exploded. After watching the oil spew for weeks from the hole deep in the ocean, this is my depiction of a real sea monster. (What appears to be the company's logo is actually a stylized design using a standard Photoshop shape.) Thank you to veetec and piuse for images. (5 years and 3197 days ago)
You could find whatever texture and apply it on the monster to level the density of the image.
Overall it's a nice job.
BP is the real monster!! great comment on that situation, really did a number on our economy and I live on the EAST coast of Florida, and all the BP execs got all those bonuses for safety, what a croc!!
Great job!!!
We need oil, and to get it we drill or buy at some absurd rate set by other country"s we have plenty of oil here in the us but this administration bows to the activists who hate any type of intrusion on nature, unless it is another country drilling in our waters. So to make it look like they want oil they force company's to drill 3 miles off shore in water way to deep, STUPID !
Glockman, no, we do not need oil, a group of overly rich pieces of crap had a cute little meeting with Cheney in a private gathering to keep us dependent on oil ... end of story. 19 of the hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi Arabian.. think about it... or just continue to drink the Kool Aid LOLOLOLOL
(and this administration got Bin Laden, and didn't try to sleep with his relatives like the previous one)
Oh my.. update.. they just got the other guy too.. LOL.. wow..
Sorry drivenslush, you been ready to many liberal newspapers , we do need oil, you can't run a country like the USA on solar power and corn just won't cut it. Try to fly a airplane on solar power, and heat the homes with it , and those turbine's on those wind machines is nowhere big enough to supply us.
And as for this administration getting Bin Laden , -don't think so, he was taken by seal's who just happen to be under this administrations power. the real work came from Gitmo and interrogations, which by the way are STILL being carried out by --guess who .
http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=1911 Burried at sea...riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I hope OBAMA pays those Navy Seals the bounty that was on OSAMA's head

Nice sea monster BTW
It is my opinion that this country has more than enough oil on its own lands and off its own coasts to take care of ourselves. We just don't drill for the greenies' hysterical and radical protection of popping plovers and caribou. WTF-ever. It's easier to get the oil from overseas from countries with unstable governments who hate us. OK. Too much is manufactured with oil / petroleum. Free energy was created decades ago by Tesla, et al., but the technology is bought up as fast as it's invented and shelved by the monopolies. And BP was a foreign country drilling off our coast, and the disaster - don't forget the tons of corexit sprayed and dumped into the ocean to "clean up" - has yet to be fully calculated. Obama bungled that disaster, like he's bungled almost everything else but put us on the fast track to marxism. He's the latest on a long line of globalist presidents; Bush was no better (hello, can you say PATRIOT ACT?). I don't know the answers, but I sure see the problems.
Thanks for your comments, all. 
Nice take on a disastrous scene. Good to see you here again, author!
Thank you, pixelkid
Yes it is good to see you back. Nice chop Author
Thank you cabldawg
Howdie stranger!
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