Swimming in the river was fun, until these velociraptors showed up! The fun is over, at least it looks like....
Thanks to mqtrf for the pic of the river, and to grafixar from morguefile for the two pics of the velociraptors. Just a little work, but lots of fun. (5 years and 3111 days ago)
3 Sources:
Would have been even funnier if the big raptor was about to eat the small raptor who is intent on eating the ducks, but it's still a good image. GL author.
Hey Bob, this is fun, isn't it? Yeah, I did not think of that, good idea. Maybe my next! Glad to see you safe from Irene....!
It looks like the little velociraptor is running away from the duckies. I would have been better if he was behind them (compositionally speaking). He's also a bit too dark in front. But it's a very imaginative idea!
These 2 raptors must be very scared as they never seen rubber ducks in their era. It's very nice artwork composition, where the bigger raptor appears very sharp and close, whilst the smaller one is a little bit blurry to show depth of field. The eyes of the raptors are focusing on the rubber ducks to direct the viewer that the rubber ducks are the main actors in this stage. The colour harmony of yellow and green emphasize the funny scene of rubber ducks that are "lost" in the dinosaur era. Thumbs up
Thank you for comments.....
nice work author like it
looks very realistic
Great job author!
lol munch munch
Nice chop Author
Good job on those reflections. Real funny picture. Good luck, friend.
Thanks again for all comments. MnMcarta: Thanks for your pic, it was cool working with it!
the ducky do not seem to be afraid...
what an !dea sir ji..
Poor thing, he can't even start swimming until this big dino comes @ it!!!!

Lovely work author!
Howdie stranger!
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