(5 years and 2969 days ago)
5 Sources:
- 1: Dinosaur
- 2: Kitty
- 3: Pongo Pygmaeus
- 4: Scorpion
- 5: background
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Howdie Guest!
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Nice kitty
Would be better if the colors blended better to make it look like one creature, rather than a patchwork of 4...
Good idea. Some parts are too blurry. IMO using the kitty head makes the creature look not so dangerous.
Don't be such a weenie. If you believe in your work, have public comments. I've experimented with private comments from time to time because certain morons on the site like to create their "cute" little shit storms in the Comments section that I'd rather avoid. As far as I've seen you haven't had to deal with these idiots on your entries. Please be aware that the mods know that the Comments section is for feedback on the work of the particular entry only. If someone posts a comment that's only a derrogatory personal attack , you can red flag it and have the mod remove it. PM me for more.
NIce....i would continue the white fur around its leg to the tail.
Howdie stranger!
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