[From 101 Dalmations] What a horrible, twisted woman she is. Cruella de Vil kidnaps Dalmatian puppies for their fur, because when short-haired dogs grow older, their fur becomes very coarse, which does not sell as well in the fur fashion industry as the fine, soft fur of puppies.
Even her cat takes on the characteristics of her puppies - she refuses to buy catfood, but feeds her kitty the same scraps as her dogs, and it even grows as big as some of them. What an ugly little creature, just like her owner! (5 years and 2775 days ago)
YEEEEEEKKK!!! I is a scared of you LOLOLOLOL
Enlarging the cat is very disturbing GOOD LUCK
Thanks, Ernie, that was my intention. But I ain't skeered!
Light on boots is from left, light on the rest is from the right.
Added some dodging to the right side of boots. This is one twisted sister!
Nice work on the poster, much better than the first one you had in there. If you'll pardon a couple of nit picks, I think you should add a slight gradient to the wall texture, darker at the bottom just a bit and maybe reduce the brightness of the white in the poster a tad so it doesn't pop quite so much. Just IMHO.
Thanks for the good suggestions and compliment, Rein. Added a color overlay in the color of the '50', and tweaked the frame.
Looks great to me!
That's one "Butt Ugly" cat. Real nice job with those feathers and the blending of them.
Sure is! A face only a mama could love. Thanks very much, Loyd.
Nice story behind your work. You did a good job, I really love the characters, not Cruella, but the dalmatians. The cat looks ugly, but I am sure, he has a good heart. He is grown for sure. Good luck author.
He sure is ugly, but he does have a good heart, I think all kitties do. Thank you, George!
Good concept and truely lots of work you put on this author. GL!
Thank you, bcabilan, for your comment!
Howdie stranger!
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