The symbology of the lion is common to Strength, and aptly so. The lion is the "beast within", the raging inner desire inside every one of us that must be controlled or it will be set free to manifest in the world. The image of the woman opening the mouth of the lion shows both courage and patience; she must not fear the lion, and she must wait for it to tire before she can exert her own will upon it. This is not an image of compassion in any sense of the word; how can forcing a creature to obey your will be seen as compassionate? Forgiveness and nurturing are likewise not to be seen anywhere in this image. There is just the purity of the maiden and the power of her inner beast that she is attempting to control. (5 years and 2537 days ago)
I like how you matched the card ,,, the work with posterized look was nice choice,,,Just do not like the fact she is looking at ground ... great job ...good luck
This is the way cards should look.... good work my friend.!
Poster edges and paint daubs is two of my favorite tools. I would have created two layers, one with poster edges, and one with paint daubs. Then I would have erased her inner skin on poster edge layer reviling the creamy paint daubs layer and leaving a poster edge outline. Just a thought. ïŠ Looks good! And it looks like a tarot card.
Thanks! Gotta try that some time. That's what I love about Photoshop...there are so many different ways to do stuff!
I am not big on artistic effects filters but this looks pretty good for this contest. gl
Thank you all!
Howdie stranger!
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