(5 years and 534 days ago)
9 Sources:
Spiky balloons ![]() by Zizounai 8829 views - final score: 63.7% | Dog Goes For a Walk... In the Air. ![]() by BWR 27120 views - final score: 63.5% | Trouble coming ![]() by Zizounai 7789 views - final score: 57.4% |
London nightmare ![]() by lolu 7903 views - final score: 57.4% | Happy Hay Baler ![]() by Drivenslush 8056 views - final score: 56.9% | Sam ![]() by Drivenslush 1791 views - final score: 56.7% |
ARE YOU COMING DOWN...? ![]() by George55 1798 views - final score: 56.6% | Clip Clop Hop ![]() by Drivenslush 1757 views - final score: 56.6% | I know you ![]() by Drivenslush 2038 views - final score: 56.1% |
At The Apex ![]() by Majkman 1693 views - final score: 55.9% | FLOATING FROG ![]() by George55 1725 views - final score: 55.4% | Beeboo and Grab ![]() by Drivenslush 1691 views - final score: 54% |
Howdie Guest!
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Very creative and unique. I love those spiky balloons.
I love this chop ! without the cat maybe
Thanks! the cat fills an empty space, and he is watching the spiky balloons with envy. Maybe he will float too next time
If those Porcupine balloons run into each other, do they pop?
I didn't stay long enough, sorry. Just took a pic and continued my journey. I will stay longer next time
Congratulations well done
Thanks Majkman
Wonderful job. You are the Queen of this contest. What technique did you use to cut out the top porcupine?
Thanks B, I still can't believe it... hope you're not too sad

For the porcupines, I have roughly cut them with the quick selection tool and pasted them on their original place. I have colored the background layer in white and refined the edges with the lasso tool and the polygonal lasso tool, using sometimes the eraser and the history brush tool.
I have set my Ps in English now instead of French, it makes it easier to explain and I also understand better what the other members are talking about
I forgot to tell about the top porcupine, I also used the color range selection to take away what was between the spikes, cleaning the yukkies it leaves afterwards. I know you tried to explain me a way to do it with the channels but my brain refuses to comply to this machiavelic method.
Thanks Z. I am happy for you. You got a pretty high score too! Good trick with the Color Range. I didn't think about that. Very impressive!!
Felicitations !
Merci Lolu ! Les French girls ont le vent en poupe cette semaine !
Howdie stranger!
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