(5 years and 3321 days ago)
source (5 years and 3326 days ago)
Very very nice work author...love the shapes...best of luck
(the title is from a line in the song by the Cranberries, "Free to Decide" Thanks!! erathion
Great entry GL
Very creative and wonderful work Author ... not sure if I understand it but I don't always understand my husband and I love him so I guess it is okay to love this!
What's funny arca is that I don't understand why a person would take a piece of paper, fold it into an airplane, then attach it to a fluorescent green clothes line with clips and then take a picture of it with over exposure to the sun (JUST KIDDING LAMANTINE)
When I saw the source I was like, well how do ya do! had to think of something that would match the wonder and uniqueness
Awesome work author, you kept the texture of the source really well, so it's recognizible, your colors & composition are awesome too, so high marks !
It should get more views!
Thanks for the vote of confidence grymval, but I'm not part of the .. ahem LOOP as it were, so my expectations are always low LOL.. just a fact of life
... read your reply at work and everyone wondered what I was laughing at ... love it!
This is so well thought out, love the art, layers, etc. but LOVE the title! So fitting for the true artist that you are, author.
I don't get why only 55% - (voters forgot their glasses, maybe), but i'm glad at least this came on 2nd. Congrats.
Thanks greymval, I'm happy with what ever I get , no need for ego biscuits here
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(5 years and 3344 days ago)
At first i was like: why would you enter a croped image of the source, but after reading your steps i got it.
Try to find some stock with fire and buildings make a normal image and then warpe it in the reflection, cause right now we can see it's only a drawing.
A really good idea but you should really think of a better way to present it because at first I was really struggling to spot how you actually changed this from the original...GL
i so agree with Val on this one...Idea is top notch and i am sure that u could very easily find some usable image...Also u could add some curves on the reflection because around fire is very very hot air and he is responsible for the curved reflections...best of luck author
Good idea. The sbs suggested that. Image should had said that. A very subtle changes on reflections would make this a very good one. GL
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Welcome to gate of hell, think before you cross.
Thanks to -ElisaFox.Deviantart.com for skull on a rock stock.
(5 years and 3382 days ago)
great mood
it does have a good mood, however, i think the skulls on the left need to be more solid. right now you can see through them.
Thanks for your comment nishagandhi and jadedink
I have updated as per your comment jadedink, but I kept one skull almost same because I want to show that skull is merged in the wall.
really great mood...
I agree with everyone, and it's a change from the firey hell that we all think of. Good job!
Top entry author...for sure...well done
Thanks a lot for your comments!
Too dark. You can barely make out the source image, or much of anything else.
Thanks for your feedback MossyB, but now I can not edit my entry
My main intention was showing all stuff as a single image that's why I make source image dark.
Onward I will keep this in mind.
Well done
Author, you must be feeling pretty good right now. I noticed this is your first 1st placement. I'm sure it won't be the last Congrats!
Congrats! Very cool work!
Thank you all
@jawshoewhah: I am pretty happy, yes this is my first 1st placement and I will try hard to learn more.
Once again thank you, I am learning a lot from you!
Congrats !!!
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Thanks to MarcelTH for the sky source.
http://www.sxc.hu/profile/MarcelTH (5 years and 3411 days ago)
Pretty good, but try to make the figure stand out from the background.
That would kinda defeat the purpose of trying to make it look like a photograph. Do all people just "stand out" in photos? Just sayin'...
I understand what you are saying author, and I don't understand why there are - points on what you said, but I also understand CMYK because if the girl stands out you can see the source better. But if you are wanting to make it look like a realistic photograph, then you did pretty well I would add a little more shadows to the body then because she does look pasted into the photograph.
very nice work author...gl
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Great title! Would have been better represented with a bit more snow/frost/ice elsehwhere in the image, and less inky blackness at the bottom, but it's a very creative concept.
Agreed MossyB; I envisioned a light dusting on her robe and some ice sickle "flames" near her legs. Time on the edit system ran out, so this is what I got
Glad you enjoyed it, hope it inspires more entries...
Thank you
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