(5 years and 2944 days ago)
(5 years and 3051 days ago)
How have you used the given source image here?
Its her face
looks anatomically incorrect, you might like to work on that a bit, gud luck
The edges are too harsh, you should soften them a little.
Distorted from the belt down, her left arm needs a highlight.
Very quirky author... I keep peeking at this entry.. it's odd, but wonderfully fun.. good luck Love the hair
the left arm is out of proportion compared to the rest of the body
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(5 years and 3147 days ago)
Evil Rodent II ... good luck author
the 'helmet' should be lifted and show its face
sword to be brighter a little ....
lower the horizon...
nice chop
Howdie stranger!
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A team of scouts discovers the invading forces advancing through the forest.
I would like to mention & thank Marcus Ranum, for his quality stock. Mouse drawing the characters would have taken me another 2 days to finish the entry.
Please check the full resolution. (5 years and 3182 days ago)
Wow... very nice...
Very nice, I suggest you add some shadows though.
Lol, rob was right, thx. You see your entry differently the next day . I had no idea why i hated it
You can see the changes in SBS. Also thank you nilknarfsoive.
I like this imaginary world, looks a little avatar!! very nice,,!!
Yummy mushrooms...hehehehe... nice one!
Made me craving too! ha ha
Nanaris, at first I wanted to make it all blue and draw the humanoid aliens. But it was less energy / time consuming to make it earhlike by finding the right stock, than inventing alien landscape
Thank you for your comments.
Excelent, GL!
Fascinating creation and very interesting world you have envisioned. GL
great work author and he is lucky guy....i would like any time to her watch my back...
Interesting Fantasy world there author. Best of Luck.
Howdie stranger!
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source and my photos (5 years and 3310 days ago)
A Knight Who Said Ni !! LOL great film!! and great monster too of course
cool little monster
Ni !!! Ni !!! Ni !!! ....great monster... I mean ugly little monster, great job
Ahhhhhh...Famous Ni joke...great creation author...gl
Oh my, lol. Perfect little monster = )
Ah the memories ... makes me want to see it again!
Ha-ha-ha, tonight I am going to watch Monty Python's King Arthur again Just because your entry, Author! Thank you for raising my mood
WOW...7 Positive comments, one fav and still the second to the last score.. LOL.. quite funny LOL.. that's what I get for using my own work LOL
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Strange shadows on the knight, good idea overall.
A very interesting idea, there are a few things that would help your image. Firstly the perspective of your chess pieces is not the same as the chess board, now I don't do 3D, but I imagine that if you made the board and positioned your chess pieces within your 3D program, then adjusted the angle you would have the same perspective on both board and pieces. Secondly, rendered clouds never do an image justice, there are plenty of wonderful stock pictures of clouds that would improve your entry. Good luck
Akassa and madamemonty, thanks for the input. You ladies are/were right. I really was not too happy with the original upload either. I made a major edit... for those of you who have voted already I thank you. Please see my SBS.
much better! like the changes!
Well done author, that is so much better
Image improved a lot author
good job
I do indeed appreciate the flowers, thanks for the positive feedback.
my 1st edition was just me being lazy...
Looks good now, author, nice scene.
Howdie stranger!
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