Photoshop Pictures: Afloat

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Afloat - created by TwilightMuse

Favs: 1SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 18/27Score: 52.8% (0)6320 views

The fairy is my image, the Umbrella is from pxleyes the other 2 sources came from morgue file. Cave photo came from Ardelfin and the pond photo from KConnors. I will upload a SBS shortly. (5 years and 3397 days ago)

2 Sources:

avatar greymval
greymval says:

You might want to use curves for better blend, sometimes a lower oppacity helps too, 90-97%. You should also check the cutout of the umbrela, some edges need work. GL.

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Reflection is wrong. You wouldn't see her hands, or the inside of the umbrella. Also, sitting off center like that, she'd be capsizing.

avatar bompy
bompy says:

love the idea and the feel of ur image, agree with what greymval said about the blending and edges and also the umbrela reflection in the water is wrong u cant do mirror reflections by simply flipping the image there quite hard to do right but with water u have the advantage of doing a more distorted and vague reflection good luck

author says:

Wow, you guys are good. I'm not quite that observant yet. I fixed the edges on the umbrella and moved the girl towards the middle. I however remain truly challenged by the reflection of the umbrella and girl. I tried recreating a mock reflection fom the one rock and using those same steps on the umbrella but it just doesn't look right. Any other suggestions are appreciated.

avatar greymval
greymval says:

OK, if curves/ transparancy didn't help, you should make some layers with the environnment colour and clip to your girl& umbrella( which should be desaturated a bit), overlay those and lower oppacity below 20%.
Be aware not to make her look dead , but to have the aspect that she is really in that cave, not in a studio with a background.
Light reflects on surfaces and gives them colour, but surfaces also reflect their color on other objects, influencing their hue - that's the motto of blending, lol.
PS: you could try to place some fog, not too much, if you think it helps the composition- you can find many tutorials about fog online.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Author idea is very nice execution too...To achieve better blending u could use some color adjustment layers...First on top u could create dark blue layer,blend mode set to overlay,opacity somewhere around the 30%,second layer should be dark brown,blend mode set to color,opacity between 20-40%. Watching the mood of the image main color is green,so u could use on top od the dark brown layer ,some kind of goldish layer,blend mode set to color,opacity up to 25% max,and finally dark green layer,blend mode set to soft light,with opacity in between 20-50% depends of what u want to achieve. That is just idea of luck

avatar greymval
greymval says:

Erathion's comment is not just an idea, those are clear instructions that should be engraved in stone or something. Too bad I can't add that comment to favorites.. I'll add the pic instead

author says:

Thanks for the fave... and the instructions. I'll try and do all that before voting ends. It was very specific which I love!

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. GL!

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Afloat - created by Martrex

Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 16/27Score: 52.4% (0)4175 views

Step 1 cleaned watch and then distorted to make platform
Step 2 used some existing background and colored it to be water
Step 3 Did same for sky only blurred and distorted more
Step 4 Took side piece and distorted it using spherize. Then colorized it to be gold
Step 5 made up eyes and discharge light
Step 6 did a reflection of the upright and partially faded it and lowered opacity and fill. (5 years and 3690 days ago)

avatar erathion
erathion says:

very nice...good luck

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

author says:

Thanks We'll see how it does. ; )

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

Good perspective. GL!

Howdie stranger!
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