It is completely against the rules, is it? (5 years and 2324 days ago)
A concern on modern times, where business and personal interests steer us far away from helping and supporting necessitous people.
On regard to the entry, criticism on my entry is appreciated, it's always time to learn from others' suggestions!
An image including all the sources I used is within the SBS, in order to shorten the time to check them! (5 years and 2848 days ago)
for me. the beautiful goddess and is well made​​. a nice contrast. I also do not like the girl on her knees, just my opinion
Thanx Nator and lincemiope for your opinions. Unfortunately the kneeling kid had been the main concept of my creation, so everything turns around her (also all the masks and the light effects I used to create the atmosphere), I have no time to change the whole image again, but I admit that the kid fills too much space in the image, and decreases the sensation of movement of the people; but, on the other hand, I considered the importance of the glance between the characters, which is the title of the picture.
Howdie stranger!
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Removed buildings in background, changed the sky, removed sign and wire on building, added gradient colour layer, adjustment layers, shadows and grain layer (to aid in photographic look). See SBS for full info and WIP GIF in Step 13
EDIT: Flipped clouds :D (5 years and 3152 days ago)
very believable GOOD LUCK!!!
Great looking image. My only observation is the light on the building is from the left, and the light on the clouds from the right. Might want to flip it. GL author.
This is very elegant looking.
I agree with CMYK about the clouds. Great colors, though!
Thanks guys! Done! Don't know how I could have missed that, doh!
LOL...still looks great!
Very nicely done! I love the transition from the cool foreground to the warm sky!
Thanks all for the help and the wonderful comments!
Howdie stranger!
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Another entry about Don Quixote...
Thanks to:
- SFB579, familymwr and calebkimbrough @ Flickr;
- kovik and tstandefer @ Sxc.hu.
(5 years and 3392 days ago)
Conflicting light sources, levitating horse & rider.
I agree with you, Bob, that's why I made some changes (sky, burn/dodge tools used on the mills, on the knight and horse...); Thanks, I hope it's better now.
Nice colors and settings..... good luck author.
Thank you, George!
Weird and interesting!
looks interesting....
I like how tripy this is = )
And a third place as well?? :O Congrats to you again!
Thank you...
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3512 days ago)
WHOA!! Amazing job with the robot...and the abstract background is awesome. Well done!
Which will be the future of the tiny leaf?...
Very cool work, the coloring is really powerful! GL!...
Thank you, this is how I feel sometimes, like I'm that little plant trying to survive against all odds.
Fantastic! It's beyound imagination
this is incredible, just what i've come to expect from you author!
Thank you Cornelia, and Tuckinator you are going to make me work harder now, lol. Thanks again.
Really? 6 out of 12 - I'm very disappointed. I would love to know why.
Yeah, I'm disappointed too...sorry, author. Contests can be really unfair.
Thanks gamemastertips. I already got over it. Is just that I know how much time I put in to this piece, and the meaning behind it, but I guess it wasn't that evident. I will try harder next time = )
Howdie stranger!
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The sign wouldn't be casting a shadow on air...
Howdie stranger!
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