Don't go near the bed or the evil spirits will get you. (5 years and 883 days ago)
- 1: Vintage bed
- 2: Ugly devil sculptures
- 3: Ghost 1
- 4: Ghost 2
- 5: Hand
- 6: Frightened girl
Don't go near the bed or the evil spirits will get you. (5 years and 883 days ago)
I'm back!
Forgot all about PxL but I'm back, and made a piece which was based on a tutorial, but made my own settings etc.
Very nice tutorial!
Thanks to that, and enjoy. (5 years and 3190 days ago)
beautiful image, but i can't find the dices...
This is very nice scene but kekskruemel is right...I don't see the dices here and if they are involved in the entry usage of the source image is to minimal...
they're not even in the SBS...It looks like you just overlayed a background over the dice and left one tiny little portion of white showing...or something like that. I do not think this is appropriate.
where is the dice?????????
And the dice are where?
when you look at the bottom of the pic you should see a dice...
Sry to make it so confusing to all of you. But I tried making and old dice in the front, as it was a meteor that had landed ages ago. If you look at the highres in the road in the front, you can see the dice.
The dice is the green box low- right covered in moss. It would hae had more impact being the selling point of the entry: better light, better position and secondary objects revolving around it (people/buildings).
the dice are perfectly hidden... nice... you got my vote...
if you follow a tutorial, it would be better to use images sought by you and give your personal touch
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3517 days ago)
i really like this... but i have to ask, why change the color of the flowers ????? cool pic
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3578 days ago)
author, don't forget to list your sources or show them in an sbs.
edit: that's cool, very nice shot and card, it has a nice feel to it with that border and bkgd.
Sorry - will do so as soon as I get to my computer again
Very nice design. Good job
Very nice work...I like how picture fits into card...good luck author
nice card .......... all the best to u ..........
Howdie stranger!
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Thanks to Andreyutzu, Fotfreak, Djeyewater, Hortongrou & linder6580 for the very nice stock images :) (5 years and 3678 days ago)
Nice work except for the raindrops appearing to go in all directions rather than down...still, it's well done.
Great job... very nice work
Beautiful!!!! There's no other word to describe it...
I will try to do something about the raindrops
I would personally think of the colours a little more. If it's raining and dark(ish?) outside, the dog is quite well lid - and so is the girl.. but this is very good work, beatiful picture.
I personally think the girl and dog are huge considering the size of the window.
It's a really small log cabin :-b
Great work!
a very warm, soothing image
Size of the girl and the dog are a bit undigestable....but other than that the work is really nice...
thanks for so many nice comments. I changed the size of the girl and dog, and also made them a little darker. Hope it is better now.
Fantastic work...love this so much...
Nice blend.
Congrats on 1st plaaaaaaaaaaaace!!!
Congrats for your first place, Clinge! I really love this one
Thanks on congrats
Congrantulations...well deserved
Howdie stranger!
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this is really scarey
Is there an echo in here?
Is there an echo in here?
It's the cyberghosts.
Aww you deleted your double post. Now no one will know why I said that.
Blame it on the ghost of what was once there. Spooky stuff.
Howdie stranger!
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