(5 years and 3400 days ago)
source and photoshop only..., please watch the high resolution before voting... :-) (5 years and 3459 days ago)
Very good author the animated gif is a very cute treat in your sbs
great chopping (103 steps?!?!?!?!) OY VEY!!!
Thanks slushy.... the gif is trial... I'm glad you liked it... This entry was a challenge for my self... I think I won...
great work how do i see the animated sbs??
and i think u have made history in making 103 steps in pxleyes
hey nisha... just watch the sbs... the 103th step is animated
ths is jst mind blowing....awsome....a fav frm me..!!!!
Very nice author! I liked the city in the background in the SBS a lot, gives a bigger attack on earth feel... Maybe you could try to implement it again and make it very dark (almost black) in the background. Good luck!
@ressiv : Thank's for the suggesion., but unfortunately I merged the back ground layer... It was because, file size was closer to 1gb... Now the editing is not possible.. But I will remember this idea for my further works.. thanks
very stunning......a master's touch....and moreover I learn much from this entry,....giving much contribution to me about drawing at which I am very very poor.....hehehe....
Super Machaaaa
I am speechless! (first time ever) BRILLIANT!
WOOP WOOP....!!!!!!
oh wow......its mind blowing.....and SBS is very very good....
What a incredible piece of artwork ... stunning and more! I am in awe of your talent!
Wow this is fantastic >.< i love sci fi scenes and this one is really greatly done! Congrats.
Brilliant work and wonderful entry .... ....... u r amazing .....
........ Great work on the stone man and background too ........... all the best ...........
@swordfish...., he is not a stone man he is a scifi warrior
Ohh ......Thats great .......... I saw his face is made with stone so i think that his body( not his costume) also made with that thing ................. thats why i said like that ....... thanks for saying that he is a scfi warrior ...........
Let me tell you something..... you amaze me every week with yout Sci-Fi warriors, and this time, you did another wonderful work. I will try to learn from your SBS, and hope to see a tutorial for some of your creations soon. Good luck author.
i will keep that in mind, thanks george
brilliant work. like animation so much.
My favorite theme, and you did it justice, and I like the animated SBS as well. Just my opinion, the pose is not really natural, such as the left knee and the right knee should be in different directions (don't take me wrong, author, you know me, right
?). I'm thinking about collaborating with you in making some sci-fi battles, that would be much of fun
u are right langstrum ... I didn't noticed it... I will try to fix it if I have time.., And ya.. It will be fun.. ;-D
I dunno why I keep coming back to look at ur entry everyday author its just amazing
Thanks Nisha.....
Awesome work Congrats! in advance. Keep up good work friend. BTW thanks for your message for noticing my absence for last 2 weeks.
It's a fantastic work, 1000 x 1000! Everybody said everything, so what can I say? Just good luck, and keep doing these wonderful chops, showing your talent!
Main character work is very good, and so is the background, great work! I don't even want to guess at how many original layers this had......
Wild entry! GL!
Keep going with creating amazing entry's like this buddy,this is amazing piece of work...Well done and u have all my support...
Well done - congrats on first place!
Congrats on 1st . . . .
Congrats well done!
A great big Congratulation and Bravo for a job well done!
Congrats my friend, for a very well done first place. ...!!!!
Congrats Anoop awesome work
congrats well deserved
My darling, congratulations!!!!! wonderful, amazing, great!!!!
Congrats buddy! very well done
Congrats!! Love that sci-fi stuff!
Congrats man!!! it's a great work. very useful SBS....keep going...GL
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I really hope this is not another movie trailer!!!!! (5 years and 3471 days ago)
nice work -- Where is the saw dust? A chainsaw is very messy (LOL)
The window needs work...the cracks aren't convincing, and the board is too distorted...otherwise, not bad.
destroyed....need some shadows adjustment
Thanks all for the comments they are truly appreciated... I tried make some adjustments with sawdust, the window and board (the cracks I couldn't get it down... did not want to use crack pattenr brushes.... I'll add cracks to my list of things to improve..) and add some shadows.. with a little mood light...
I hope it is alot prettier... in a Dexter good psychokiller way! Thanks again.
Whoa... but it could be a new release of Chainsaw Massacre! Creepy...
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3540 days ago)
the tail thingies aren't perfectly round.. BWHAAA HAAAHAAA HAAA.. JUST KIDDING.. LOL.. I LOVE IT!!!!
The dragonfly machines behind don't have gun? I can't find anything to suggest you. To me, that's the best one so far
ahahahazah very very cool
good luck
I was instantly looking for the tail rotors as well.. but maybe they're meant that way, as it's not a perfect MACHINE after all. Only other eye sore is the small white mask edge line behind her calf and knee. Good work with PS and mind too..
Cool six legged aircraft Llok like a mighty metal insect
Congrats well done!
aha.....it must be you, master.....congrats for the 2nd.....you are the best
Congrats for 2nd place
2nd and 3rd!!! Wow!! Congrats!!
Congrats, Nasir!
well done this week... congrats for 2nd...
Congrats Nasir !!
Congrats for second, Nasir
Howdie stranger!
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Skeleton (except skull) and background created with source.
Thanks to penywise, thomaschristensen, nazreth and gulden
(5 years and 3561 days ago)
Love the shorts and eyeballs! Hahaha...author, you made my morning!!
I hope he doesn't loose the shorts, or he'll get... naked! And barefoot!
This sceleton knight is one of a kind
You use a staple gun to keep the pants up? hehehe
I love Croc shoes too :p
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Nice image, I think he might need a littlew more than his lil umbrella though
Fantastic mood and blending.
GL !
@RayTedwell & Lamantine : Thanks for your support and comment,guys.
Do remove the tree from center and darken the tornado at bottom.
Best of luck author!
I'd use cooler colors ... the yallow horizon remind me a sunset in a sunny day
The umbrella does't move .. but I think there is a lot of wind
Good luck
i dis agree with genex
i think the yellow sky and man with the umbrella standing still while starring at a tornedo gives a surrealistic effect
really amazing picture
Nice colors!
Like taking a knife to a gun fight! I like the concept and semi-surreal feel!
Howdie stranger!
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