Caveman Wounded Hamster was very happy in the new world. He did not know how it got there… One day he was walking in the woods looking for wild Mahaku cattle, when he noticed an unusual light in one part of the forest. He was looking at the great and beautiful light, and he decided to step into it. Immediately he’s began to spin in all directions until the moment he felt solid ground beneath.
At first he thought that the evil forces led him to this horrible place, filled with the worst of wonders ,loud noises , big towers, and birds made of steel, but every day he is more liked this new world. One day he discovered the game in which he learned that call it tennis, enjoy every day playing this magical game, his backhand and forehand was better as time passing, and drop shot was perfect, but his instinct of a hunter was weaker and weaker. Everything was fine until the moment when he’s realized that he is not only passed through the illuminated portal ....
Mila Vasileva-http://milavasileva.deviantart.com/
For making this entry i used only custom brushes for clouds, everything else is made with pure Photoshop...Please watch high resolution before voting...Thanks
(5 years and 3520 days ago)
Very nice job on the drawing here! The only reason I deduct points here is because it's pretty much ONLY drawing...a mix of both photo just seems to fit the theme of a photoshop contest over, say, a drawing contest. But the image is still great...good luck!
You could write and illustrate a book! It's so amazing, I'm waiting for the end of the story!...
While I think this is very cute and probably on theme, I agree with gamemastertips that a mix incorporating a photo would be nice — but clearly not required by the contest description. Additionally, I think the description is overdone (and largely inexplicable relative to the image). Just like you shouldn't have to explain a joke, you shouldn't have to explain an image beyond its title.
Nice attempt and almost good result..., I suggest you to paint with spatter or charcol brush to make it more impressive (think it will help you in the future). and also have time for adding lights too.., good luck
I think it's quite cute and very well done
Thanks for the comments guys...

@Erica and Ernest,thanks my friends for the kind words...
@Gamemastertips and Dan,i agree guys about drawing, i am with u 100%,i had post on forum about digital drawing in photoshop contests,and everybody Mods and lots and lots of users sad that is allowed so i made my decision to try,to learn some new technique's...
@Anoop thanks for the tip my friend about the brushes but "almost good result" is not very nice thing to say...
Nice drawing
. Keep going.

Dear friend please don't take my early comment as offencive, I found the Figure extremely well done.., but don't you think that details for the characters are missing?, 'Almost Good' Is because of that.., sorry if i hurt you..
very nice
Very nicely drawn, my fav so far! well done author!
extreemely awesome1
Very cute and funny, good drawing also.. thou I do agree about the picture part. I can't make myself to give very high vote as this isn't a digital drawing contest, sorry for that. (I like the pawn figure on the racket a lot btw..)
great, funny, original (tennis racket, hahhahah)...i can only agree with Tuckinator - extremely awesome!
I'm giving it a very high vote! Well done! You absolutely nailed the topic!
Love the big cat
Neb, congrats! And the end of the story?
Congratulations...funny work!!!
Congrats! for 3rd. Your drawing skills are getting better and better
. Keep up good work 
congrats, erathion! one of my favourite entries ever!
Howdie stranger!
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