(5 years and 2985 days ago)
(5 years and 2986 days ago)
I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!! dernit!!
Me too!
This is so cute!!!!!! He's a sweetie, I'll take one, too, he fits so nicely in the pocket.
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 2988 days ago)
Bear needs a shadow. Compare to source shadows.
I wasnt sure how to go about that. Should the shadow be off to the left a little more? or infront? .the light is messing me up. Thanks for you help
Howdie stranger!
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That bear won't give me a drink, so I am fixin to wash my feet !!! (5 years and 3137 days ago)
Very cute author, You should enlarge the MAN image so his feet are in the water, it would help with the balance as well (IMHO of course)
The left leg looks terribly deformed, not to mention much longer than the right...You also need cleaner edges where you cut yourself out of the original picture, there's a white line on the head and the right leg...
Since you don't have yellow sneakers, maybe you can put a fishing pole in your hand and a bobber in the glass.
i am gonna start to use the online software pixlr. i was practicing with it and it takes a lot of patience. but its so much better then paint. love the smudge tool. i should get the hang of it in 10 years !!
Author can I give you a tip? I understand Photoshop is out of reach for a lot of people, but there is a free open source alternative for it: Gimp. http://www.gimp.org/ You can also find a lot of good tutorials around the net. IMHO its a better alternative over all the other free graphic software which is around.
Author, I'm not familiar with pixlr. I do know that many PXL members have used Gimp for top notch entries, so welcome to the site. Use what you can to produce awesome entries!
Pixlr is wonderful for online manipulations, and since you don't have to download it onto your PC, it doesn't take up disk space. The tools are powerful, with most of the more important ones similar to Photoshop - Levels, Curves, Hue & Sat, Brightness & Contrast, etc...It also has a good selection of filters (Gaussian and other Blurs, Sharpen, Diffuse, Noise, Emboss, etc.), as well as Burn and Dodge, Bloat and Shrink, and a decent color replace tool.
It's almost like having "Photoshop Lite" available for free online...I'll stack it up against GIMP any day, Robdvn...
Author, you'll find that you can use a lot of basic Photoshop tutorials with Pixlr, since the tools are similarly marked. Selections are the most important thing you can master, and the Lasso Tool and Magic Wand will end up being some of your best friends in Photo Manipulation... Have fun, glad I could help!
I shoulda not even entered this. I am definitly out of my league. Maybe i might get some pity votes, egh ??? thanks for all the info folks !! there is one thing i have real problems with. that is using the lasso tool to cut an image. i shake so bad that its hard for me to follow what i am trying to cut. any solutions for that ???
For a shaky hand (in my case very bad eyesight) you can expand an image to really see the edge of an item and cutting gets easier, slower, but easier.. I'm not familiar with the program you are using so I won't be help with tools... (your use of a white sheet in your own pictures is brilliant, it makes it much easier to cut an object out) if edges get bumpy you can go in with a blur brush and rub the edges to even them out..
Practice Practice Practice and experiment like crazy.. we all start somewhere and your abilities will improve in time.. this chop is a great start
I agree with all the above. Keep'em coming, and for the shakes, a couple shots of Jack Daniels might help. GL
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3139 days ago)
Very nicely done... great job!!
The stripes in the water are a bit odd looking, but this is beautifully crisp looking!
Ice cold water moves slow, therefore my odd stripes, thanks for the comment Mossy...and the vote.
Great! Good luck!
I be liking this one alot Author, good job
the proportions are quite off, but I still like your work very much.
Since the reflection of the mountains in the background is so big, the lake seems very small, almost like pond. (The size of the ripples in front add to that impression) Yet the mountains in the background are far away, so my eye finds that there is something wrong.
But as I said, I find it a lovely work and a great idea.
Derivatix , Thank you for observation and comment. I disagree about the proportions though.
if the plane flies past above, the polar bear should be looking upwards
can consider, adding a small amount of smoke streak for the passing plane.
aheman, No smoke from this Lycoming engine. The rings and valve stem seals are not leaking. Sorry its not burning any oil. That Polar bear is sorta looking behind it's self as it scrambles.
Great looking image.
Beautiful image author, very serene, can almost feel the crisp air!
Howdie stranger!
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Howdie stranger!
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