Photoshop Pictures: Betty

results 1 - 3 of 3

Betty's Brothel - created by trim49

Bettys Brothel
Favs: 3SBS: 11Hi-resRank: 4/10Score: 60.8% (20)25726 views

Betty's Brothel is in need of some repair and perhaps has a bit of eccentric clientele. (5 years and 3225 days ago)

8 Sources:

author says:

Sara Barth and Lies Meirlaen have both been notified of their image being used, by note thru Stock.xchng.

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Lindy says:

I like the overall colours of this image, it suits the elements in the image so well. Good work!

no avatar

I like it overall however I think it could have been straightened up to make it look level.

author says:

I thought of straightening the right entry post, but decided it added to the state of decay. Therefore, I left it as it is, to be fitting of the theme.

avatar erathion
erathion says:

This is nice entry author and with few tweaks this can be even better...Sky image and the overall mood don't go with each other...U have day light for the house and people but rainy dark sky...U have to made image darker or to find some other sky for this image...I think that some other sky would be better in this case...Also IMHO spiders are to big..For better blending u can use some color layers in different blend modes..There is slight difference in resolution of provided source image and images that u used so some color layers would fix that difference...sorry for this nit picks...

author says:

Erathion, all the changes you requested have been made, with the addition of a nicer weathervane and lightening.

avatar DanLundberg

Cool concept. The fairly uniform lighting makes it all rather blah, however. A lot more shadows would make it a lot more dramatic. Some green (for example) interior lights might convey both "open for business" and "eccentric."

avatar nanaris
nanaris says:

it looks loke a painting, very nice good luck!

avatar minnie
minnie says:

It's sort of scary, really like it!

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Betty Boop - created by erikuri

Betty Boop
Favs: 5SBS: 9Hi-resRank: 3/10Score: 61.2% (30)28451 views

Thanks to:
- T. Tulic and J. Charles Cuvelier @ Photoxpress;
- tibchris, paparutzi, The ChainMaille Lady and notahandbag @ Flickr;
- allergyfre @;
- jana koll @ RGBStock;


(5 years and 3445 days ago)

10 Sources:

avatar gustimusprime

really cool, well done

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

this is very nice,......if only the sbs is here,.......and are you sure about the BG? I mean ( just IMO ), it would be better change it by colorful BG like like night life in a metro city pic or glam party or something,........

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Great work on the head! (SBS would be good...).

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

You could find a real face and distort it. That's better because the skin on the face now is not fitted to the real body (but the eyes, nose and mouth are good). Also, her "decorations" could be replaced by the real things, it will be much more convincing. Still a good entry and eye catching, good luck
EDIT: I didn't know it's you

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

I agree with langstrum and dewid.

avatar wazowski
wazowski says:

Nice job on the face, if you could tweak her body a bit more would make it only better (a bit rounder here & there and perhaps also squeeze-scale it vertically a bit). I agree with the real earrings and bracelet. Good luck!

PS not sure how you made the hair but I'd make it a tiny bit lighter so you can see the shape of the strings a bit better.

avatar Drivenslush

SUPER duper weeee..

avatar Tuckinator

great work!

no avatar
inarichi says:

woow.. good that it is just photoshop.. :3 it will be very scary to see a real betty

avatar blindscientist

Overall, very nice work.... Two thumbs up!

avatar woodztockr

Great use of sources... SBS is also very good!

avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:

superb!! great job dude...... just fabulous .. wow

love the eyes..beautiful !!! love the cute lips too

author says:

Thanks, everybody!
I think her waist thinner and changed the accessories. I hope it's better now...

avatar JamesD
JamesD says:

I think you could have put a lot more effort into acheiving a more detailed and believable face, right now I think the difference between the head and the body are apparent in terms of realism... facial parts could easily be constructed from your source images to give it more definition and marry up better with the rest of your scene... just my opinion

avatar arca
arca says:

I really like this one ...not really a suggestion just a thought ... it would be interesting to see her more monochromatic ... the original Betty Boop was mostly Black and White ... she was barely even grayscale. In this case I am not sure how that would work but it would be fun to see it that way and compare the two.

Really great job though and perfect model for her!

avatar telmafrancione

I really really loved this work!

avatar lolu
lolu says:

Cute ! Very well done, good luck author

avatar erathion
erathion says:

Great work author...very nice idea and cool execution...good luck

avatar nanaris
nanaris says:


avatar Disco
Disco says:

Nicely done - congrats!

avatar swordfish
swordfish says:

Congrats . . . . That was beautiful . . . .

avatar Glockman
Glockman says:

congrats !

avatar dekwid
dekwid says:

I knew it, must be one of the best,....congrats on the 3nd....

avatar nasirkhan
nasirkhan says:

Congrats! for your great chop. Very well done

avatar gopankarichal


avatar lolu
lolu says:

Congrats for third place ! i really love it.

avatar jamespaul
jamespaul says:

congrates wished u topped

author says:

Thanks for all the favs, support and comments; it's because all of you I got this place!

avatar langstrum
langstrum says:

Congrats Erica

avatar arca
arca says:


Howdie stranger!
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Great Aunt Betty - created by falkor

Great Aunt Betty
Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 3/10Score: 61.5% (30)27702 views

This is a photo of my great aunt Betty. I think it was taken in the late 30's.
I entered this photo in a similar contest before the crash, but I have completely reworked all the colouring for
this contest. My old entry is included in the SBS for comparison. (5 years and 3709 days ago)

avatar adeincyprus tones are great, wall colors are superb...........the front wheel of the bike seems to be off the ground, and also a little sharper than the rest of the bike, but this is good, real good...

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Pink sky looks strange, all else is well done...

author says:

I painted the sky with a blue colour, but I didn't want it too bright because I wanted the dress to stand out.

avatar Clinge
Clinge says:

Well done, GL.

avatar ponti55
ponti55 says:

Great colours, very realistic tones, i especially like that brick wall! Good luck

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

In high res, it seems a little grainy but yet the original is not so much.

avatar jaescoe21
jaescoe21 says:

super easy fix... all you ad to do was fix the border.

avatar chakra1985


avatar Lelaina
Lelaina says:

Congrats for your third place, Falkor!

avatar demi
demi says:


avatar Clinge
Clinge says:


avatar sophia
sophia says:

congrats =)

avatar spaceranger


Howdie stranger!
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