This is Jack Daniels my chihuahua. Black and white with the leash in color (5 years and 3808 days ago)
This is one of my favorite children songs and one of my favorite chops ;-) (5 years and 3823 days ago)
that's a cutie!!! (love the labels on the bags.. nice touch
So adorable. So funny. I love the eyes. Great job.
glad to see again this image !!!
And again...Wow...Great idea and execution!
Haha! Right on theme! LOVE IT *favs it * GL
Love those eyes...
Wow!! Hehe!
Fantastic use of source images and amazing result!
ROFL...cracks me up!
just a fantastic job all around! you should be proud of this!
just love it!
hello sheep
awesome entry
should get published in rhymes book...
this is so cool
Oh! Just one thing. The eyelids are not visible enough. Try making them a bit more darker . GL
Thanks Vladimire, advice followed
Looks really better now!
lmao, i want him for a pet. You know in Australia we are not allowed to sing this song to our children anymore because or racism and it was always a fav of mine.
Awesome work, great to see it again, Fantastic. Great fun pic and brilliant skills.
What else instead of "awesome" "great" "brilliant" "hilarious" "fantastic" "fabolous" can I say? Well... I don't know... It's simply amazing and so great to see it back! Good luck again!
Oldie-goldie.Excellent image.
Congratulations for 1st, this one had to win, it is absolutely fantastic.
Congrats for your first place, mymy!
Congrats Mymy, he's so cute
well done brilliant mymy...congrats!!!!!!!
Congrats mymy!
very nice drawings. it looks like the black sheep on farmville
congratulations, fantastic work!
Congrats! Loved it then, still love it now!
I love this so so much !
Howdie stranger!
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This image is based on a dutch song for children.
Witte zwanen, zwarte zwanen! (White swans, black swans!)
Wie gaat er mee naar engelland varen? (Who will sail to England?)
Engelland is gesloten (England is closed)
De sleutel is gebroken (The key is broken)
Is er dan geen timmerman (Isn't there a carpenter)
Die de sleutel maken kan? (who can repair the key?)
Laat doorgaan (Let go)
Laat doorgaan (Let go)
Wie achter is moet voorgaan! (Who's behind must go first!) (5 years and 3824 days ago)
Yeah! My knowledge of German helped me understand the Dutch! I love this image, too. Very well thought out! Only problem is that the left side of the boardwalk looks flooded rather above the water.
Great job! Are the tips of the black swans' beaks suppose to be white? GL
I wanted to keep the swans as natural as possible. That's why I kept it white. A lot of black swans do have a white top at their beaks. But it's good you comment it, because it looks like it's unnatural. Thank you very much.
Thank you for the comment of the left boardwalk. I edit it a little bit. Thank you both for the great feedback
Howdie stranger!
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You can see love in my eyes.
(5 years and 3846 days ago)
Clever image, good luck.
Nice - dont forget to list your sources or original pics in your sbs! GL.
Nice pic, but I think your highlight areas are a bit distracting.
yes i know the i messed a little bit eith the higlhits area... but it's not that bad.
fun idea! great image!
simple, but to the point
Howdie stranger!
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See the step-by-step! :) (5 years and 3892 days ago)
Very batty ...nicely done indeed...good luck.
whoah cool
Great atmosphere nice work!
Thanks a lot CMYK46, Tuckinator & Warlock!
very nice feel
gud work + imagination.......bt mountain's top area luks bit flat.....
reminds me of the bats movie lol great mood
Thank you. How should i make the mountain look more realistic? (not flat) =)
really nice idea & job author ... GL
hey nice work
Thanks to all of you!
very nice balance of shape and form author.. the two merging triangles are a risk as they could easily throw you up and out of the picture but the complex base really retrieves you back into the focus of the whole composition.. quite nice.. even though it is very dark.. but that's just me and my eyes (I'm a tad bit addicted to color
take off, or reduce the outer glow on the mountain.. will make it look more realistic, and if your going to put a blur on any of the bats, put it on all of them. it actually doesnt look bad with a minor blur. maybe make a copy of a flattened layer (select the top layer and press command+option+shit+E, this will duplicate all your layers and flatten them into one) after that, do a bit of a diffuse glow (if that helps with the brightness) or add a medium gaussian blur, and set the blending mode to overlay, and bring down the opacity to around 20. this'll help give it a smooth, yet sharp effect.
great feeling!
Excellent idea.. nice work author ! good luck!!
So unique and creative, realyl nice work!
WoW Thanks everybody. Thanks for all your fantastic comments! ^^
Congratulations for 1st
Congrats! Well done!
Omg.. I won? :O Thanks for everything guys !
Congrats, well done
Congrats...good job!
Congrats for 1st
yesss, you deserve this first, very well work, congrats.
Thanks to all of you!!!
Howdie stranger!
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That's an interesting name for a dog
Good color choice, I like the blue. Good luck!
Howdie stranger!
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