Photoshop Pictures: Bricks

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Treasure Hunters - created by skyangel

Treasure Hunters
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 1/9Score: 60.7% (35)13816 views

Hunting for treasure is a dangerous business. It could get you killed, especially if the treasure is cursed. Lightning could strike you at any time without notice. (5 years and 478 days ago)

7 Sources:

avatar George55
George55 says:

Good job....

author says:

Thank you George.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Good work. I like the whole scene and it makes the eyes wander around to soak in the "story". I tend to nit pick what I think are the better chops, so here we go. Not a big deal but there is just something odd about the blending of standing girl's feet into the ground - more on our left side than the right. The object in her hand does not look like it's "glowing". If it were, parts of the woman would be reflecting that light more (for example see her far arm/shoulder are dark). IMO the lightening should not be in front of Ugly Rock Monster or maybe manipulated more to look like it was. As it is, the lightening starts thick in the sky, and narrows at the end. If it were coming towards us, it would be at minimum thicker than it is towards the bottom (and I believe less "branches". There would also be mass amounts of light and would cast light reflections on the rocks monster and surrounding areas. The wrought iron work on the wall is an exceedingly nice touch and made me say to myself "Wow that was a real good use of the source" because the wrought iron stuff in the source image was just a minor detail. The people fit in wonderfully into the "feel" of the Chop. The bones are awesome and well done. The shield doesn't look much like a shield. PS mahalo for the SBS. I would not have known that was a shield otherwise.

author says:

Thanks BWR. Your critique is greatly appreciated.
Not sure what you see as odd about the feet? Too much dark shadow maybe? I will lighten it later if I get time, or if you have any other suggestions as to what to do about it, I am all ears.
The lightning is supposed to look like it's aiming for the women. That's why it's in front of the rock monster and aiming toward their heads. Not sure how to make it appear more "in front" than it already is.
It's all part of the curse. That's what happened to the last treasure hunter. Hence the bones on the ground and the wrought iron thingy near the bony hand.

I just used the lightning brushes as they were and didn't bother altering them. It never entered my mind to erase some branches.

The shield thingy doesn't need to be a shield. That's just the first word that popped into my head when I was explaining it in the sbs. It is just some kind of treasure. The treasure hunters can always do some research to find out what it really is since it doesn't appear to be have been used as a shield. It might be some kind of fancy plate or even some symbolic emblem which holds "the curse". The imagination can have some fun with it.

Anyway, I might not have time to fix it today because I need to go out in 5 minutes and by the time I get home, it might be too late, so what will be will be.

I am very honored that you think it is a good chop in spite of the mistakes.
Thank you again for taking time to critique it so thoroughly.

(5 years and 477 days ago)

BWR says:

I think that "odd" was too strong of a word. Her shoe on our left looked like it was copy/pasted and not too well blended - it was very minor and I was just nit-picking. The other shoe looked OK and I think it may have looked better before you just changed it.

Lightening when it's far away looks like tree branches that can be tapered to a point.

Lightening when it's close to you, looks different. It is much thicker with less branches.

Also if you notice these lightening bolts are all not a single color, so maybe using something like Outer Glow, Inner Glow, or Shadows, etc in your Layer Styles can spruce them up.

Just another idea.. since they are about to die because of the curse, how about a vulture waiting for a meal. haha. Up to you. Mostly joking and trying to be funny, but it may work, may not.

Oh, since you asked, one more nit-pick. The residual branches/leaves on our left of the rock monster, above the lady's hat, looks out of place. And finally check this out

(5 years and 477 days ago)

author says:

Hi BWR, Nit picking is good because it helps me refine the minor details and improve the overall effect. Not many people bother to take time to help like that let alone make sample images to show the author where the problems lie. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Sadly I was unable to fix them because I was too tired when I got home last night but I will definitely remember the tips for any future chops.
Thanks for the lightning references. I will keep in mind to add a purplish outer glow to any future lightning I put into chops.
The vulture idea is great. I wish I had thought of that.
Anyway, I can always improve on it for my own satisfaction since it's too late to change it now.

avatar BWR
BWR says:

Oooh such a close race for 1st 2nd and 3rd...

author says:

Sure was BWR. I consider that an equal first between the three of us when there is less than one point difference.

(5 years and 474 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Angel, nice work

author says:

Thank you madamemonty.

(5 years and 474 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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Shadows of Prey - created by PerfectPixel

Shadows of Prey
Favs: 0SBS: n/aHi-resRank: 3/9Score: 52.9% (25)17879 views

First contest entry on this site :) (5 years and 2064 days ago)

1 Source:

No comments yet... Be the first!shadows, prey, birds, stone, bricks

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The Way Bricks Don't - created by Drivenslush

The Way Bricks Dont
Favs: 0SBS: 5Hi-resRank: 9/9Score: 57.4% (0)6332 views

(5 years and 2822 days ago)

avatar pearlie
pearlie says:

Jeez, what a quote! Great background, love all the shapes.
So I guess we're not here and nobody is reading this.

author says:

Exactly Pearlie LOL (sigh, I miss Mr. Adams)

avatar Athanaric
Athanaric says:

I cannot agree with Adams' first sentence, because we already know that the Universe is not infinite so there is no such thing as "infinite amount of space". But this is his "mistake". ))))) Yours is my vote for originality. Keep up!

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bricks & animal - created by wooyuenfoo

bricks & animal
Favs: 0SBS: 6Hi-resRank: 4/9Score: 59.1% (20)6870 views

(5 years and 2831 days ago)

No comments yet... Be the first!bricks, animal

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Bricks bunkers - created by sanjugs

Bricks bunkers
Favs: 0SBS: 4Hi-resRank: 3/9Score: 59.6% (25)8197 views (5 years and 2832 days ago)

avatar enblanco
enblanco says:

A very creative idea, IMHO you must work in men proportions and lights, good luck!

Howdie stranger!
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