photomanipulation (5 years and 3028 days ago)
- 1: source1
More sources:
- http://nico-brushes.deviantart.com/art/Drops-56831952 - Water drop brushes by nico-brushes
- http://www.sxc.hu/browse.phtml?f=view&id=1254125 - Sky by beteton
- http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1245701 - fish by alesia17
- http://www.sxc.hu/photo/948918 - snake by filinecek
- http://www.sxc.hu/photo/967755 - Rat by lockstockb
- http://www.sxc.hu/photo/978159 - Worm by asura
- http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1195072 - Grass by tsfree
Credits to:
- http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com
- http://falln-stock.deviantart.com
- http://rl-brushes.deviantart.com
- http://nico-brushes.deviantart.com
Check the High Resolution version, you'll see lots of interesting details :) (5 years and 3704 days ago)
Snake is flat...
Edit: Looks better now.
You mean the head part right? Yeh i noticed it too but i couldn't really find another picture of a snake to match her body -.- i'll try to improve it.
good luck , fix the snake and you will score better.
more then the head.
nice placement on the butterflies.
lol the butterflys on the nips, what fun.
Lool -.- i'm gonna change the snake.
WOW despite the flat snake this is amazing.. Good job !!!
Nice composition. Possibly work on the girl's hair and the rat's fur a bit more as they look very cut and pasted otherwise
Replaced the snake and improved the hair/fur.
Good work...
You got this from a picture of a BIRD? High marks, just for creativity!!
Good creativity.....
Like it!
good job ):
Howdie stranger!
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whats the sky/lightning source?
@Eladine ; the sky was rendered in Photoshop while the lightning was done using normal brushes with added effects like "outer glow" .
By the way , thanks for commenting : )
Nice mood, but the Reaper is out of proportion for the image - He would be almost as tall as the arch if he stood up off that tricycle...
@ MossyB ; the Reaper was meant to be bigger than typical human beings (it is the Reaper after all) ... Anyway , thanks for commenting : )
Nice idea. I think it will look better if you desaturated the other buildings (to mach with the dark clouds).
Reaper on a tricycle...LOL...pretty darn goofy.
Author has added credit: "Thanks to Marcus Ranum at DeviantArt for the use of his image."
Howdie stranger!
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