Photoshop Pictures: Canine

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Rowing for Rawhides - created by pearlie

Rowing for Rawhides
Favs: 1SBS: 8Hi-resRank: 1/3Score: 66.2% (37)24149 views

Sport: Sculling
Category: Single Canine

Years ago I had the good fortune to be involved with the graphics and production of advertising materials for a rowing shell manufacturer. One of the owners taught me how to row, then I taught others, and even sold a few shells to fellow enthusiasts. A fantastic sport, and I miss it every time I see calm water. I have taken some liberties with the correct position of the left foot of this rower. (5 years and 2774 days ago)

8 Sources:

avatar Drivenslush

he's got a white hiney! GOOD LUCK!!! (very cute )

author says:

'n white feets, 'n white nose...thanks, Ernie!

(5 years and 2775 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

Motion blur shouldn't be in front of the moving object, it's like a trailing thing. Nice work on the reflection.

author says:

Thank you for your comment, Bob! Generally speaking, yes, but in this case, the head and entire torso go back and forth. These craft have sliding seats, the rower pushes with his feet and pulls the oars, and the seat rolls on tracks. Watch the bodies here:

(5 years and 2775 days ago)

avatar CMYK46
CMYK46 says:

And we don't see any sign of motion blur in either direction.

author says:

The video was to illustrate the fact that the rower does indeed move back and forth. For this still image, I chose to illustrate the motion with blurs. Good observation, though.

(5 years and 2775 days ago)

no avatar

Funny! Good job on the motion blur!

author says:

Thanks, photogirl, appreciate that!

(5 years and 2774 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

io avrei levato il guinzaglio e la scarpa, ma la foto è molto divertente, bravo

author says:

Thank you, Donatella - the shoes are easily stored just ahead of the footrests, sometimes rowing barefoot is preferred...the leash just added a spot of red and more of a sense of motion.

(5 years and 2774 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

for red you're right. is good. maybe a little busy.
I see the shoe upside down .. and if I put you a leg?
just my ideas, I ask your forgiveness-

you did a great job

author says:

The dog's right foot is hidden inside the boat, but the left foot I've got showing - and moving, he's happy! Check out the video posted above to see the position of the feet.

(5 years and 2774 days ago)

avatar lincemiope

Yes, I've seen! I'm sorry, was I that I had not realized

avatar spaceranger

Great sport...funny entry nicely done! I guess instead of "stroke...stroke...stroke" the cadence would be "woof...woof...woof".

author says:

LOL, I guess so,thanks, Rein!

(5 years and 2770 days ago)

avatar Drivenslush

CONGRATS!!! hehehehe

author says:

Thanks, Ernie!

(5 years and 2769 days ago)

avatar spaceranger

Congrats Carol!! Well done!

author says:

Thanks, Rein!

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

author says:

Thank you, Loyd!

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

avatar madamemonty

Congrats Carol funny entry, well done

author says:

Thanks, Megan!

(5 years and 2768 days ago)

Howdie stranger!
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Pillaging Viking Canine - created by donh

Pillaging Viking Canine
Favs: 0SBS: 3Hi-resRank: 3/3Score: 54.9% (25)8147 views

(5 years and 3678 days ago)

4 Sources:

avatar Akassa
Akassa says:

Nice idea! Very creative, the dog looks really agressive *runs*.

avatar loopyluv
loopyluv says:

heheheh...very cool!

avatar Clinge
Clinge says:

Grrrrrrrrrr!!!! GL Cool.

avatar lchappell
lchappell says:

Hehehe...vicious hound

avatar elficho
elficho says:

that's what i call a badass bitch! (i hope i didn't go over the line with this one)

avatar Govindrathod

Idea is nice....and a good work...

author says:

Thanks for all the funny comments

avatar jawshoewhah
jawshoewhah [banned] says:

The teeth look weird.

Howdie stranger!
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