(5 years and 2559 days ago)
(5 years and 2858 days ago)
Please post source links.
Sources?? Masking of the Guards could use a touch up (Around the hand and feet for example) and some shadows woudl attached them to the ground -- good luck
Authors own images (sources) are in the SBS as required.
They weren't when I checked.
It needs shadows below the guards.
Howdie stranger!
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Made with skull 1.
Used 3 different face-parts.
I hope it's not a problem that the mouth is open instead of the closed one of the skull ;) (5 years and 3528 days ago)
Spooky, painful and very well blended!
Great entry..
Cool image and work reminds me of John Carpenter's Ghosts Of Mars......
Soooo good - the best in my opinion.
very cool
Great work author...i like mood a lot,and color choice is 110% right...well done
Congrats on the first place! Very well done!
Congrats... this sends shivers down my spine every time I look at it, well done
Congrats for 1st
Congrats! for 1st
Thanx a lot for the comments and congrats! Madamemonty, good I have reached my goal with this one then
En ook nog gefeliciteerd met je 1e plaats!
Very well done....creepy good!
I love this image, and how you combined all the elements. If I keep practicing i hope to do work like this.
Well done
Howdie stranger!
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(5 years and 3661 days ago)
amazing..great work
Here comes the big ones.....
Blow your mind...one of my fav!
may i ask what program you use to create the body?
Hi Inanis,poser 7 used.
very nice work, but jeez, considering your level, your sbs is severely lacking.....hope you'll post a little explanation for it.
WOW!! O.O Pro much? Awesome work!
There is no explanation for how the womans body was made. I agree with pearlie your SBS is very lacking
Very nice work...but when someone made this good entry SBS should be mandatory...High votes from me,but author spend a bit more time to show us,what u did in creation process...
Great idea, love the mood & color, but the edges on the figure are seriously jagged, the shadows need work, and the SBS is a joke.
thanks. never used poser or any similar program before, but i'm really curious on how it works. thanks for the info and good luck with your entry.
Really fantastic! But it's true some more steps on your sbs to explain your work to us would do some difference...
It's an amazing image but you should seriously put more into the SBS. Entries could get removed if the mods are not happy with it.
Amazing Job......Good Luck Author.
Congrats, stunning work
congrats on the first place
Thanks for Your comments and votes.
Howdie stranger!
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i thought it would be cool to try and make the man seem younger and the woman seem older tell me what you think...
SBS: patch brush tool for the man's wrinkles and the woman's mole I also blurred some stuff and changed the saturation of her lips, for the beard I used someone else's beard and changed the hue and saturation to match his eyebrows, I also liquified the new beard so it would fit his old one, then I removed his glasses after two hours!!!!
I would also like to thank Novembemistake for the picture of the old lady I used (5 years and 3803 days ago)
I think it needs more work if you were going for making graps look younger. All you did was take away his wrinkles around the cheeks, eyes and forehead but he still looks like grandpa. The white beard doesn't say young. All you did to the woman was give her a moll. Keep working on it. I'll come back and vote later.
so how do you think i should change his beard? i tried nothing worked thanx
i think it would help, if you try to remove his beard or change the color of the beard.
I don't think you've really managed the effect, I suggest changing the bear colour and trying to add some hair, maybe remove the glasses as well. For the woman you could draw your own wrinkles using another image as reference with the dodge and burn tools.
what is that on her cheek?
thank you all for your help with this picture, I hope you like it!!!!
nice work author , i like your image. the only thing i could suggest to improve the hair/beard for future entries is not to make the edges so straight. If you look at hair your own hair you can see where the shaft connects to the skin . good example is if you look at granpa's closely you will see where hair connects to skin. the corners of your MOE should hang down over the beard. Please take this as just a little feedback and is ment to help. GL
thank you scratzilla1, for your feedback, it was very useful
Howdie stranger!
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lovely pair... :P
It's good to see the SBS to understand the work involved here, well done. Good luck!
Thank you, appreciate it a lot!
Congrats for the nice composition!
Howdie stranger!
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