(5 years and 2777 days ago)
(5 years and 3674 days ago)
work with the chop..
I like the idea
I think it's better masking girl's hair with a small soft brush, trying to follow the natural movement of it, to take off the edges...
nice OOB
Howdie stranger!
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Me on pot?! I'm a cow and cows don't smoke, u know... and face it, dude - I ain't the one watching a cow eat flowers off a plasma TV
Just couldn't resist doing this hehe
See the sources I've used, won't make an sbs cuz there's no need - I just cut out the pieces I needed from the sources and put them all together.
I used healing brush, burn, patch, smudge and blur tools to "eat" the flower off the screen.. hmhm what else.. Oh, and warp tool on the flower and the second cow's "mouth".
To make the reflections: copy the layers and set the mode to Soft Light, erase what's not needed.
Enjoy! :-)
EDIT: I have the permission from the author to use the tv photo - credits to airgap. I hope u see this, mods, cuz I can't redflag again hehe (5 years and 3906 days ago)
very cute image... good work author
you need to do some cleaning up around the cow's head
thnx elficho, i'm getting old obviously lol
hahah lolo cool
check the cow's reflection you can still see some of the flower and greenery through it
lol cool idea =)
Ichapell, I kinda did that on purpose since we have not only a reflective surface, but also an internal source of light - i.e. the TV. So i thought both the reflection and what's on TV should be visible, no?..
I like this. Very creative. Good job author. Good luck.
Howdie stranger!
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very nice blend with a difficult source
though spoonbills would have a hard time finding food in that area LOL.. good luck 
don't know much about spoonbills; what do they eat? thanks for your comment
Spoonbills feed in the shallows, and that looks like very deep water, you can see them feeding in the link below, they are really cute
Howdie stranger!
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